NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Gesture recognition Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Gesture recognition - Sensing a human's body language by visually watching its gestures
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent SkinvisionBot @SkinvisionBot is a private, secure way to screen yourself for skin deseases. It can detect moles, benign formations, pre-cancer, cancer, warts and acne. Try it - it's free!

Just take a picture of the nevus or skin disease with your smartphone, then send to the bot and get a degree of risk. He will give a recommendation on how soon it is necessary to go to the doctor. He will tell you exactly which doctor you need to come: cosmetologist, dermatologist, dermatooncologist. Look at /help before skin test.

Technology is powered by Computer Vision & Artificial intelligence. The neural network was trained on clinically confirmed photos of dermatoscopy.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sesano Artificial intelligence and conversational interface are the future of human and computer interaction.
Sesano is the next generation artificially intelligent personal assistant that can connect you to other bots to provide domain specific information or service at your request.
In the future, you will be able to use the platform to develop and deploy your own bots which can be published on the platform, for use by other users on the platform.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jade Websourd 3D a pour finalité de mettre en place des solutions d’accessibilité grâce à la diffusion de messages en langue des signes française (LSF) par des personnages virtuels.

Websourd a développé des expertises :
- la traduction en LSF
- l'intégration de la LSF dans les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication.

Ce double savoir-faire a permis la réalisation d’un signeur virtuel 3D. Ce personnage en images de synthèse, capable de s’exprimer sur commande en LSF, est basé sur deux composants logiciels :
- un moteur de rendu, permettant la génération d’animations qui retranscrivent toute la richesse et la finesse de la LSF ;
- un système logiciel permettant la génération d’une langue des signes la plus fluide possible, à partir d’une interface homme-machine intuitive ou à partir d’un module de synthèse vocale préexistant.

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Aidan Aidan is a chatbot from 2015, It has a speech output and the start of a vision system. It can handle the Loebner protocol and I entered it in the 2015 Loebner years competition.

It has a general purpose database and so can answer factual and math type questions.
You can use the Microsoft speech system with it so you can talk to it.

contact me on [email protected] if you want a copy
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Mia MIA is an InteliWISE Sales Assistant in the UK Acess store.
It has the non - disturbing interface - a Widget that slides out in the form of Tab Widget and enables shop owner to precisely target shoppers with important sales alerts like ‘free delivery’ or ‘time based discounts’ and thereby increases conversions and decreases shopping cart abandonment.

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Wirtualny Urzednik Pierwszy w Polsce Wirtualny Urzednik, mający bazę ponad 180 spraw do załatwienia. Idealny jako nowe narzędzie do wsparcia obywateli w poruszaniu się po stronach e-urzędów.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Anna Anna is an emotionally driven, 3D Virtual Assistant which answers customer questions regarding their gaming, account and general queries. No only does Anna create empathy with accurate and emotional responses to customer questions, but she offers the customer live chat interaction should more complex queries arise. Anna has already had an immediate impact by increasing the customer experience and reduced the email and live chat contact volumes.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Pierre Le site vous aide à trouver tous les professionnels de l’habitat près de chez vous et propose des conseils et solutions pour mener à bien tous les projets maison. Pierre est présent sur le site pour aider l’utilisateur dans sa navigation et l’orienter sur le site.

Sara a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Correos

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sara Sara, l'Assistent Virtual de Correus, ajuda als usuaris a trobar informació i resoldre preguntes amb les seves pròpies paraules, en llenguatge natural.

Protected Marie a chatbot / virtual agent representing Savoir Réduire Son Cholestérol

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Marie Savoir Reduire Son est un programme gratuit du célèbre portail Soutenu par Danacol et le nutritionniste Jean-Michel COHEN, il aide les abonnés à adapter leur alimentation afin de réduire leur cholestérol.

Sur l’espace abonnés, l’agent virtuel Marie aide les diététiciens à traiter les demandes des utilisateurs du programme, en prenant en charge les questions les plus fréquentes.
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