NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Faceless Chatbots

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Neo Neo (nickname: Neobot) is a chatterbot of the Betabot family which uses the ProgramPY-SH engine and uses Xaiml files as the knowledge databases. The core of Neo (Pysh) is written in Python3.x. Betabots are currently developed by Devyn Collier Johnson and the Xaiml-Developers Team. Betabots work on most Unix systems that support Python3.

Team: Devyn Collier Johnson from the USA; Vladi Sebo from Slovakia

Neo's development started March 30, 2012 by Devyn Collier Johnson, NCLA, Linux+, LPIC-1, DCTS. Xaiml stands for eXtended Artificial Intelligence Markup Language and was first made August 31, 2012 by Devyn Collier Johnson, NCLA, Linux+, LPIC-1, DCTS. All chatterbots that run on the ProgramPY-SH engine are known as Betabots.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Wirtualny Doradca Alior W ciągu trzech lat istnienia Alior Bank zajął znaczącą pozycję w polskim sektorze bankowości.
Wirtualny Asystent na stronie internetowej Alior Banku zaprojektowany został, by odpowiadać na pytania klientów dotyczące zakładania konta przez internet. Dodatkowo, Wirtualny Agent posiada wiedzę na tematy związane z bankowością online.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Wirtualny Doradca dla
Kupujących PayU obsługuje systemy płatności internetowych, na platformie Allegro. Wirtualny Doradca pomaga kupującym w przypadku problemów z płatnościami.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Amy A bot that you can talk to freely, as well as rely on it for certain information like "stock prices", et al.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Neunmalklug Der Bot Neunmalklug spricht mit dir über alle möglichen Themen. Er lernt während des Dialoges von seinem Partner, indem er ihm Fragen stellt. Die Antworten werden in einer einfachen Datei im gleichen Verzeichnis gespeichert.
Neunmalklug kann herausfinden, ob es sich bei seinem Dialogpartner um einen Menschen oder eine Maschine handelt. Das stellt er meist nach bis zu 20 Dialogschritten richtig fest. Deshalb könnte er auch als Juror im Turing-Test eingesetzt werden.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent NameGuru The NameGuru is sort of a natural-language interface for the database behind with info about over 10,000 given names from all over the world.

It can tell visitors about the origin and meaning of given names, how popular they are, and in which languages they are used.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Aco A chatbot emphasizing useability. You can add her to your website in 5 minutes or less, FREE! She will start chatting with your website visitors immediately. No programming. No scripting. Even no setup required.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ask Neat Assisted Search Ask Neat is a Virtual Assistant that provides support for Neat products.

ρBot a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent ρBot This is the online chat bot with open learning. You may correct answers and to add new options. The results of the training will be available to other users immediately after saving the knowledge base. Bot able to speak Russian and English.

Expired Miracle a chatbot / chatterbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Miracle É um chatterbot que pode armazenar favoritos e abrí-lo para você, também pode cadastrar usuários e efetuar login, procurar termos desconhecidos na wikipedia. Futuramente mais funcionalidades e textos serão incorporados. Atualmente possui poucas categorias e não conversa tanto, mas as funcionalidades agregadas já valem a pena
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