NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

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Bundestagsadler a chatbot representing Bundestag

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Bundestagsadler Ich bin der Bundestagsadler!!!
Der virtuelle Adler verfügt über ein breites Wissen zum Thema Wahlen und Bundestag. Tragen Sie einfach Ihre Frage in das Eingabefeld oben ein, klicken Sie dann auf den Schalter "Frage absenden". Unser Adler wartet auf Ihre Fragen und gibt gerne Antworten.

Expired Léa a chatbot / virtual agent representing

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Léa Léa répond aux questions des clients de Voyages Initialement formée aux problématiques Train, elle a recu une promotion en décembre 2006. Elle connait maintenant l´ensemble des produits de l´agence.

L’entreprise annonce également que dans le cadre de sa stratégie d’engagement client en ligne, a déployé Léa, son agent virtuel sur sa page Facebook, afin d’améliorer la satisfaction des « fans » et d’augmenter leur engagement en ligne.
Disponible sur l’onglet support, Léa permet de répondre directement aux demandes des « Fans ».

Expired Spleak a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Spleak Spleak is a 20 year-old virtual girl, born in France and now living in New York. She attends international studies at a university and works in a coffee shop in her spare time. She is a menu driven chatbot. She likes to talk about celebrities such as Ashlee Simpson and Jamie Lynn Spears
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Anna Spørg Anna er IKEAs interaktive kundeservicemedarbejder, som har arbejdet på siden 15. november 2005. Med stor IKEA viden er Anna parat til at hjælpe dig, når du har brug for det, døgnet rundt. Spørg Anna - og hun vil svare dig eller åbne en side, hvor du kan finde svaret. Anna kan hjælpe med rigtig mange spørgsmål om IKEA og deres produkter.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Anna God dag, jeg heter Anna, hva kan jeg hjelpe deg med?
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Dougie SkillsActive's entry to the workforce manager, Steve Mitchell said; "SkillsActiveCareers offers comprehensive advice on how to enter the sector, what courses to take, qualifications to aim for, and how to progress through the sector, highlighting career pathways and offering advice on transferable skills.

Mitchell continued; "Ask Dougie is brilliant! As a sports science graduate from Loughborough University, I knew I wanted to work in the active leisure sector, but had no idea what jobs were available apart from the obvious - professional footballer, coach etc. - with SkillsActiveCareers we have tried to create a one-stop-shop service for all those wanting to work in the sector, offering them job profiles, case studies, and advice on what qualifications you need and courses to take.

"Ask Dougie is the icing on the cake, you can ask him anything you like about working in the sector and he'll respond instantly - I just wish there was a Dougie around to ask when I needed help!"

Kari a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Kari Girlfriend simulation with avatar

KARI was designed from the ground up to be your companion and friend. If you are looking for a romance, a hot chat on a lonely night, a friend to sit by, or simply someone you can tell all your troubles to - then KARI is for you. She remembers everything you tell her and is always eager to talk and learn new things.

Nieuwskraker a chatbot representing Volkskrant

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Nieuwskraker De Nieuwskraker is de eerste Nederlandse brandbuddy. Het is als eerste direct en structureel (niet campagnematig) gekoppeld en aan een merk, in dit geval aan de Volkskrant. De nieuwskraker toont in de statusregel het laatste nieuws, toont het nieuws in de chatsessie en de chatter kan zoeken naar meer of ander nieuws door er naar te vragen. Daarnaast had de Nieuwskraker ook internationaal een primeur: het is wereldwijd de eerste news bot. De Volkskrant buddy geeft tekstberichten, geeft antwoorden op vragen en toont ook video in het activity window.

Barbie Bot a chatbot representing Bella Vita Boat Club

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Barbie Bot Barbie Bot gives information about Bella Vita Boat Club.

Mia a chatbot / chat bot representing Jade Market Hong Kong

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Mia Hello I am Mia. I give free Feng Shua advice on the website of
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