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chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Terry Tablet Terry Tablet is Get Safe Online's V-Person™ and loves talking about internet security. Terry has information for business and personal users who want to browse safely on their computers, laptops, smartphones and tablets. He also offers advice to parents, online shoppers and social media users.

Terry has a built in glossary to help users better understand his answers. Terms included in this glossary are in bold font and underlined in blue. When a user hovers over one of these words, a box pops up with the definition of that term.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Olivia “Ask Olivia” is Optus’ (Australia's 2nd largest telecom provider) virtual agent solution, built to assist Optus’ customers to ask questions online. Branded with an ‘Ask’ feature, clients can ask questions and Olivia will provide the one right answer. If clients have questions that are more personal in nature, Olivia will provide a suggestion for escalation via another channel. Olivia also displays the ‘top trending topics’.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtual Assistant This V-Person™ is located on Moonpig's UK website to help customers with queries about products, orders and delivery. The template is branded with the company's well known logo and features a free text box as well as a list of clickable FAQs.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Kate resolver is a site devoted to helping people solve problems, answer questions and find out about their rights. V-Person™ Kate is available on the resolver website 24/7 to help visitors find answers to their questions on a variety of topics including credit scoring, contract terms, travel visas and consumer rights.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Juan Cruz Juan Cruz para Nueva Escuela.

Juan Cruz, un Agente Virtual desarrollado por BotGenes, trabaja como Asesor Virtual en la Nueva Escuela de Arte y Diseño; Instituto Superior especializado en la formación de profesionales para la publicidad, el diseño en todas sus variantes, gráfico publicitario, editorial, interiores, moda, Web, la fotografía, las artes, los dibujos animados, la pintura, escultura, dibujo, etc.

Él tiene estudios en Periodismo, y disfruta dando información a estudiantes de habla hispana de todo el mundo sobre el Instituto a los interesados.

Juan Cruz utiliza el "cerebro artificial" en idioma español más avanzado desarrollado por BotGenes con más de 500.000 reglas de decisión, lo cual le permite manejar miles de regionalismos, errores de tipeo, ortográficos y gramaticales, y contextualizar respuestas.

Él integra tecnologías de PLN, Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, con TTS, Texto a Voz, ofreciendo además de chat, audio streaming y un Avatar 3D.

Penny a chatbot representing Calor Gas

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Penny SelfService Company are now working with the market leader in LPG, Calor Gas, who have over 77 years experience across a wide variety of markets such as heating, catering, agriculture and transport. Calor recognised the increase in demand from customers looking to self serve and have worked with SelfService Company to deploy Penny, their new Virtual Assistant. A key consideration that lead to the decision is the valuable insights that can be drawn from the Voice of the Customer, in addition to the potential to improve online experience, reduce basket drop-out and increase up-sell opportunities.

Yoko a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Yoko Chatbot built in PHP+MySQL based on translating between natural language and an internal 'world view' (which includes an ontology of the physical world among others).

Cécile a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Pôle Emploi

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Cécile Cécile est l'assistante virtuelle présente sur le site de Pole Emploi.

En ligne depuis janvier 2013, elle répond aux questions des demandeurs d'emploi et des employeurs, en ce qui concerne l'accès et la gestion de leur espace personnel sur le site.

Ariane a chatbot / virtual agent representing Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ariane Depuis janvier 2013, Ariane est présente sur le site la Direction Des Retraites de la Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations.

Elle est accessible aussi bien aux actifs, aux retraités qu'aux employeurs.

Sa fonction est d'aider les internautes avec leurs problématiques générales telles que la connexion au site, pour des dizaines de caisses de retraites de la Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations.
Elle répond également aux questions plus spécifiques des fonds de l'Ircantec et de la CNRACL.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Cécile Cécile est l'agent virtuel de la CARSAT-MP. Elle est en charge de la promotion de l'Agence virtuelle Midi Premium de la CARSAT-MP. Elle répond aux questions relatives à la retraite, les risques professionnels et la santé au travail. Ces domaines sont ceux couverts par la CARSAT MP pour les salariés et les retraités du Régime Général en France.
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