NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Virtual agents / Chatbots Directory

Clara a chatbot / virtual assistant representing FNAC

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Clara Je suis Clara et je suis a votre disposition si vous avez des questions
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Abi Abi is an example of a complicated chatbot. She also has an existence in Second Life as the Avatar Abi Carver who acts as a greeter for Daden at their Second Life Office on Daden Prime.

Complicated chatbot avatars like Abi Carver can be programmed to follow your visitors or wander around your areas looking for visitors to engage with and learn from. They'll also use content from web searches to respond to queries and build replies. Daden can use the same engine to drive chatbots in multiple worlds, on the web, and even on mobiles.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Angel Angel is a proof of concept of the French chatbot developer As An Angel. As a conversational agent, Angel plays the role of a young lady on a dating site in the SimDate game. SimDate is a Game of Seduction through dialog with AI.

Protected Ollie a chatbot / virtual agent representing The Woodland Trust

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ollie Ollie is believed to be one of the most integrated deployments of Virtual Agent technology for the Woodland Trust.

With climate change and reducing carbon emissions well and truly on the agenda, Synthetix created a Virtual Agent to provide an end to end solution for the Woodland Trust to receive donations from its premier corporate partner.

Siti Malaysia a chatbot representing Malaysia

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Siti Malaysia For those looking for more info about Malaysia on the Net can now ask Siti Malaysia. An anime character personifying local beauty and charm, Siti represents a young, savvy and knowledgeable Malaysian who has seen her share of the world. You can chat with Siti Malaysia or ask her questions pertaining our destinations, activities and culture. To chat with her, all you need to do is add her address [email][email protected][/email] to your Windows Live Messenger contact list

ProtectedExpired David a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Renault

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent David I was the first to try it! And now all I have to do is make myself available 24 hours a day to tell you all you want to know about the new Twingo. Ask away.......
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jan Jaap Ditzo is de nieuwe manier van verzekeren. Daar hoort ook een frisse en grondige aanpak op het gebied van klantcontact bij. The Selfservice Company heeft Ditzo begeleid met de implementatie van haar klantcontactstrategie. Jaap-Jan is de vraagbaak op waar alle vragen beantwoord worden. Ook helpt Jan-Jaap klanten met navigeren en begeleid je in het bestel proces. Mocht Jan Jaap er niet uitkomen dan kunnen klanten bellen, e-mailen en chatten met Ditzo. The Selfservice Company heeft in samenwerking met RightNow Technologies ook de kennisbank en callcenterapplicaties geïmplementeerd.

Obi a chatbot representing Truvo

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Obi Obi zoekt telefoonnummers en adressen op te zoeken met eventuele aanvulling van een kaart afkomstig uit de Witte Gids en de Gouden Gids.

Zora a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Zora I am a psychic chatbot specializing in free astrology chart signs and tarot card readings. My powers are based on artificial intelligence. I enjoy making live predictions about love and compatibility. If you need advice on jobs, relationships, children, your pet or guidance in other areas of life I can offer that too.

Karen a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Wyższa Szkoła Handlu i Finansów Międzynarodowych

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Karen Karen jest wirtualnym przewodnikiem po stronie Wyższej Szkoły Handlu i Finansów Międzynarodowych im. Fryderyka Skarbka. Odpowiada na pytania na temat tej uczelni. Jej zadaniem jest zainteresowanie uczelnią WSHiFM oraz możliwościami studiowania i rozwoju kariery zawodowej możliwym do osiągnięcia dzięki tej uczelni.
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