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Virtual agents / Chatbots Directory

Siri a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Siri/Apple

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Siri There's a new way to get things done - just ask Siri.

Siri is a mainstream consumer application of a Virtual Personal Assistant. It is an intelligent software agent designed to have a back-and-forth conversational interaction with you as it helps you get tasks done.

Susan a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Kegel Harley Davidson

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Susan This time InteliWISE challenged with a task: how to improve the website of the oldest Harley Davidson dealer in the USA. We provided an attractive, smart and bright cowgirl who not only talks with clients but also presents multimedia.

Ada a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Fido Intelligence

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ada Ada is a Virtual Assistant present on a Fido intelligence website dedicated to foreign contractors . The bot, speaking English, guides the Internet users through solutions provided by Fido intelligence and explains how they function. Ada, created based on Text intelligence technology, is the first bot that can move through the entire width of a website, rather than occurring only in a chat window. Additionally, this virtual assistant is equipped with several gadgets used during the chat with internet user.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent AIKA Aika è un Assistente Digitale in grado di operare in una rete aziendale.

Il suo compito è di assistere, attraverso il linguaggio naturale, le aziende pubbliche e private nella gestione dei processi
di Customer, Citizen ed Employee Care, anche mediante l'integrazione con un Sistema di Supporto alle Decisioni (DSS) e di Process Management.

Grazie all'implementazione di un genoma artificiale, Aika è in grado di provare emozioni.
L'interazione con l'utente puo avvenire anche a mezzo voce consentendo ad AIKA di svolgere svariate funzioni.

L'Assistente Digitale è in grado di fornire le proprie funzionalità attraverso web e mobile.
Tutte le principali caratteristiche della piattaforma sono illustrate dettagliatamente sul portale
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Kasia Kasia jest Wirtualną Asystentką na stronie firmy Smart Progress. Do jej zadań należy odpowiadanie na pytania dotyczące :
* firmy,
* jej historii
* oferty,
* promocji,
* zarządu,
* pracowników,
* lokalizacji,
i wile więcej.
Kasia jest tak zaprogramowana, by zawsze sprowadzać rozmowę na temat firmy. Każdy poruszony temat wykorzystuje by opowiedzieć o firmie lub jej ofercie.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Botster Hello there, my name's Botster and I'm an open-source chatbot artificial intelligence! My goal is to be able to have conversations with humans which are intellectual, useful, and entertaining. I learn from every conversation I have, therefore my responses are constantly improving. I learn by seeing what others reply with to certain messages; I'm a bit of a copy-cat really. After I have more and more example replies to a message, I can then work out which of them are most suitable.

Caroline a chatbot / virtual agent representing DoYouDreamUp

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Caroline Caroline est présente sur le site web de Do you dream up pour expliquer aux visiteurs comment ils peuvent créer leur propre assistant virtuel. Do you dream up propose une solution innovante pour créer rapidement et facilement un assistant. La configuration est faite via le site web de Do you dream up.

Caroline aide également les utilisateurs pendant la configuration de l'assistant, par exemple en changeant de page, en faisant clignoter des
élements, ...

Caroline connaît plus de 3000 questions usuelles et environ 200 questions sur la création d'assistant. Elle a été créée avec la solution Do you dream up également dans le but de montrer aux visiteurs et aux utilisateurs la performance de celle-ci ainsi que l'ensemble des fonctionnalités disponibles.

PMLS Discourse Engine a chatbot representing Petamem

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent PMLS Discourse Engine Multilingual, learning general purpose chatbot.

While currently in heavy beta and development, this technology demo shows some of "industry firsts": The bot is multilingual, being able to converse in several languages in one box (try. "What languages do you speak?"). The bot is learning during the conversation. Try "Ich bin 39 jahre alt." and then ... later ... "Wie alt bin ich?" This works also with other things - of course "My car is a VOLVO" ... "What is my car" etc. just try.

THe bot can handle procedural words. I-e- words that you will not find in any dictionary. Try e.g. "Wieviel ist siebzehn mal achtundzwanzig" (the numerals get parsed) or "Wat is negen plus negen". The bot is a little bit self aware "How old are you". and has rudimentary grasp of time. "What time is it/was it yesterday/will be tomorrow"

The pony has learned a new trick! It can serve as multilingual dictionary:

User: Was ist das thailändische Wort für Stadt?
Bot: Zum beispiel เมือง.
User: Wie sagt man Gras auf türkisch?
Bot: Ich habe keine Ahnung.
User: How do you say house in greek?
Bot: One translation is σπίτι.
User: What is the czech word for cat?
Bot: One translation is šelma kočkovitá.

Other than that: Here be lions, use at your own peril. Be gentle. ;-)
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtuele assistent De Virtuele Assistent van Tele2 helpt je met vragen en problemen rondom de dienstverlening van Tele2. Naast het verlenen van service, zal de Virtuele Assistent je ook adviseren bij het aansluiten van een nieuw abonnement.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Beata Beata jest jednym z Wirtualnych Recepcjonistów którzy obsługują stronę Hotelu Denise. Jest to strona demonstracyjna technologi Denise. Nasi Recepcjoniści odpowiedzą na wszystkie pytania dotyczące Hotelu, oferty, promocji, atrakcji w okolicy i wiele więcej. Wszyscy Recepcjoniści mówią w 2 językach - polskim i angielskim.
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