NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Virtual agents / Chatbots Directory

AufsperrBot Wien a chatbot representing

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent AufsperrBot Wien AufsperrBot Wien finde euch in wenigen Schritten einen seriösen und verlässlichen Schlüsseldienst im Raum Wien, Österreich!

Energiebuddy O a chatbot representing Oxxio

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Energiebuddy O Deze chatbot helpt consumenten met bijvoorbeeld hun meterstand doorgeven.

BB a chatbot / chat bot representing KLM

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent BB Dutch Airline KLM (part of AirFrance/KLM) introduces BB (that's short for BlueBot); KLM's service (chat)bot on Messenger.

If you'd like to book a ticket, there's a new way to do so. You'll get your boarding pass through this channel.

AirTrack a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent AirTrack Finds airline tickets, monitors prices and sends notifications of any changes.

Ziman a chatbot representing Zicom

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ziman Ziman is a first-of-its-kind product by Zicom, one of the global leaders in the Security Surveillance domain.
The Ziman bot is available 24/7 to any user who opens the Zicom app and wants to chat. This proactive safety solution ensures that you always feel secure when you need to.
The objective of this chatbot is to simulate a human conversation for those who are feeling unsafe while travelling and always be available to users.

ColorMeHappy Bot a chatbot representing ColorMeHappy Cosmetics

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent ColorMeHappy Bot The ColormeHappy Bot can recommend lipsticks from the ColorMeHappy award-winning range of Korean lipsticks!

It can conduct a skintone analysis, recommend the right colors, help you with your shopping decision, show you pictures, tell you jokes, feed you lipstick trivia!

Allerhande chatbot a chatbot representing Albert Heijn

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Allerhande chatbot Deze chatbot helpt je met nadenken over wat je te koken. AH kan je helpen met zoeken door de Allerhande receptenlijst, je kan zoeken op ingredient en je kan op verzoek worden verrast.

Als je andere vragen hebt, dan kan je worden doorgeschakeld met webcare, de klanten service van de Albert Heijn.

Chatbot a chatbot representing Axa

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Chatbot AXA hat im September sein Chatbot-Pilotprojekt auf dem Facebook-Messenger-Kanal gestartet. Die Aufgabe: Als Expertenbot für Fragen zum Thema Zahnzusatzversicherung zur Verfügung stehen – als erste Anlaufstelle und rund um die Uhr erreichbar (24/7). Konkret leitet der Bot spielerisch den Beratungsdialog ein und führt den User letztlich zum Online-Tarifrechner der Versicherung. Dort geleitet der AXA-Chatbot durch die gewünschte Tarifberechnung und bereitet damit den Abschluss einer Police inkl. Kontaktdateneingabe via Landingpage vor – alles vollautomatisiert.

The Durian Chatbot a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent The Durian Chatbot It started with a picture of a RM1100 2.6kg Musang King Durian on WhatsApp.....Long story short, I was born. ASK ME ABOUT DURIANS! Your conversations makes me understand humans better. PLEASE HELP ME LEARN. 10Q :)
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent CruiseBe CruiseBe is always up for a challenge when it comes to making your cruise experience much easier and enjoyable. Today we are happy to introduce you to the CruiseBe Facebook bot!
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