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Commercial Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Commercial

Lisa a chatbot representing Rabobank

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Lisa Lisa weet alles over de services van Rabo Mobiel, de mobiele telefoon tak van de Rabobank

Expired Virtual assistant a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Lloyds TSB

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtual assistant Lloyds TSB, one of the UK's largest and most respected banks, employs a non-avatar Virtual Assistant on their main website. One way users can launch the pop-up is to enter their question into the box on the Help Page and click "Ask".

Due to company rebranding, this virtual assistant was decommissioned in October 2013 and replaced by two new systems launched the previous month for Lloyds Bank and TSB Bank.

Mo a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Motability Operations

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Mo Motability Operations currently uses three separate V-Person™ solutions: one for Customers available on the Motability Operations website, one for Dealers providing them with information on cars as well as scooters and powered chairs, and one for Advisors designed specifically for the internal helpdesk. In 2010 the highly successful Ask Mo virtual assistants got a new look with a range of template updates.

Through the utilisation of customer service/promotional areas, a unique branding has been created for each Ask Mo implementation. Motability Operations has incorporated clickable banners and content sensitive images to produce an even more user-friendly experience for each of their installs.

Expired Emma a chatbot / virtual assistant representing MMA

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Emma Je suis Emma. Ma mission consiste a vous aider a trouver la réponse a vos questions. Je connais le site MMA et ses produits et peux vous aider si vous avez une question relative a une assurance. Je reste a votre disposition si vous avez des questions.

Chris a chatbot representing The Square Mile

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Chris Chris weet alles over de taalcursussen van The Square Mile. Chris kan praten Nederlands en Engels.

Expired AtoBE  a chatbot representing BITLIBRE (former AtoBE)

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent AtoBE  AtoBE develops, manages and hosts software that improves communication between companies and their customers. We specialize in making applications in the areas of internet, mobile internet, SMS, email and chat systems.

Originally a company that specializes in developing internet applications with back-end integrations and high end hosting solutions, AtoBE is excited to be one of only seven ISV's for Windows Live Agents. Among our chatbots are Buddies for ABN AMRO Bank, Postbank, Fortis Bank and McDonalds. AtoBE has a proven track record in providing services for Financials.

Chat with the AtoBE chatbot on the AtoBE website about AtoBE, their services, customers or just try something else...

Expired George W. Bush a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent George W. Bush 43rd President of the United States and all-round good guy George W. Bush.

Expired Evil a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Evil Feeling evil? Be warned, this chatbot has had a bad day.

Expired Ougle a chatbot / chat bot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ougle A general chat bot, you can chat about anything you would like to.

Dr. Electric a chatbot representing Medical Tribune

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Dr. Electric Dr. Electric ist ein Medizin-Archivar & Plauder-Roboter. Er unterhält sich gerne mit Menschen und macht sie schlau.
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