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Commercial Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Commercial

Dr. Stein a chatbot / virtual assistant representing natursteinpflege24

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Dr. Stein Unser virtueller Mitarbeiter Dr. Stein wird Ihnen gern behilflich sein.

Geben Sie einfach entsprechende Stichworte ein und er wird Ihre Fragen beantworten und Sie beraten.

Wenn er Ihnen auf eine Frage keine Antwort geben kann, dann versuchen Sie doch bitte, diese Frage anders zu formulieren oder schauen Sie später noch einmal vorbei.

Seine Fähigkeit, Fragen zu erkennen und die richtige Antwort zu geben, wächst täglich.

Agent M a chatbot / virtual agent representing Maybank

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Agent M Agent M: Asia's first financial bot on Windows Live Messenger. With a distinct personality, conversational skills and intelligence, Agent M is able to chat instantly with people on a range of banking and general topics using Windows Live Messenger.

Marc a chatbot / virtual agent representing Crédit Agricole

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Marc La mission de Marc est de présenter les offres complémentaires santé du Crédit Agricole, répondre aux questions des clients, faire l’analyse du besoin de l’internaute pour fournir une offre adaptée.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Linea Asistente Online El asistente virtual de Linea Directa fue creado con el objetivo de ayudar a los clientes y futuros clientes a encontrar lo que buscaban. Así, ha sido capacitada para contestar preguntas informativas, de productos y servicios, como de procedimientos y compra online.
Los objetivos específicos buscados fueron divulgar la información disponible en la web para el cliente y posible cliente de una forma directa y transparente; comprender preguntas en la web de forma directa; potenciar el canal online como medio de comunicación entre empresa y cliente y obtener información crítica de las necesidades e interrogantes de los usuarios.

Expired Sara a chatbot / virtual agent representing 1881

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sara Sara er's interaktive assistent. Du kan spørre om adresser og telefonnummer til privatpersoner og bedrifter. Du kan også stille generelle spørsmål om Opplysningen 1881. Vil du bare slå av en prat så kan du også få svar. Alle samtaler blir lagret for kontinuerlig forbedring av tjenesten.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Betty Hej! Jeg hedder Betty. Stil mig venligst korte præcise spørgsmål, så skal jeg gøre mit bedste for at hjælpe dig.

Clara a chatbot / virtual assistant representing FNAC

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Clara Je suis Clara et je suis a votre disposition si vous avez des questions
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Abi Abi is an example of a complicated chatbot. She also has an existence in Second Life as the Avatar Abi Carver who acts as a greeter for Daden at their Second Life Office on Daden Prime.

Complicated chatbot avatars like Abi Carver can be programmed to follow your visitors or wander around your areas looking for visitors to engage with and learn from. They'll also use content from web searches to respond to queries and build replies. Daden can use the same engine to drive chatbots in multiple worlds, on the web, and even on mobiles.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Angel Angel is a proof of concept of the French chatbot developer As An Angel. As a conversational agent, Angel plays the role of a young lady on a dating site in the SimDate game. SimDate is a Game of Seduction through dialog with AI.

Protected Ollie a chatbot / virtual agent representing The Woodland Trust

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ollie Ollie is believed to be one of the most integrated deployments of Virtual Agent technology for the Woodland Trust.

With climate change and reducing carbon emissions well and truly on the agenda, Synthetix created a Virtual Agent to provide an end to end solution for the Woodland Trust to receive donations from its premier corporate partner.

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