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Commercial Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Commercial

Tom a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Best Western Hotels

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Tom What smartAgent is hoping to achieve for Best Western; Answer customer queries without having to phone or e-mail, reduce CRM costs, improve customer satisfaction and loyalty and provide a feedback mechanism for customer wants and needs.

Best Western is using the analytics service to analyse visitors wants and needs by looking at the questions they ask. The conversation logs also allow them to make sure that Tom and Lucy always have up to date information. Jo Ogden, Head of Ecommerce and Distribution at Best Western is aiming to answer more queries online with lower CRM costs and to improve customer loyalty. "It's designed to make sure our customers have an enjoyable experience and improve conversions", she said.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Lucy O2’s Lucy, created in 3D for great reality, is an example of an avatar which displays a number of ‘emotions’ depending on the conversation taking place at the time. This V-Person™ can field questions for all parts of the O2 website including Pay Monthly, Pay & Go, Home Broadband and Mobile Broadband. In January 2010 Lucy answered her one millionth question on the web!

Lucy has been integrated with Live Chat from LivePerson to allow for a seamless user experience. The video below shows a brief demonstration of the handover from the Virtual Assistant to Live Chat.

Beatrice a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Bettini Automobili

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Beatrice Beatrice è l'Assistente virtuale del marchio Bettini

Carabinieri a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Arma dei Carabinieri

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Carabinieri L'Operatore Virtuale di Carabinieri è istruito per dialogare, utilizzando il linguaggio naturale, sulle tematiche legate all'arma dei Carabinieri. Offre principalmente informazioni di utilità pubblica come smarrimento e rinnovo di documenti, denunce, permessi di soggiorno, caserme di prossimità, ma anche indicazioni attuali e storiche sull'Arma dei Carabinieri.
Inoltre, la particolarità di questo Assistente Virtuale è evidenziata dal fatto che ci si possa accedere da tre diversi mezzi di comunicazione, favorendo l'accesso multicanale all'informazione desiderata: dal web - come supporto alla navigazione e come sistema informativo, dal telefono - per informazioni sul reclutamento, sul calendario dei concorsi e sui loro esiti, dal sms - per informazioni sull'esito del concorso sostenuto.

Expired Louise a chatbot / virtual assistant representing PayPal

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Louise Hello, I'm Louise and I'm here to answer your questions about PayPal. Even though I'd like to be a real person, I'm not. I'm programmed to answer your questions. How can I help you?

Expired Léa a chatbot / virtual agent representing PayPal

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Léa Bonjour, je suis Léa, votre conseillère virtuelle. Je suis là pour répondre à vos questions sur PayPal.
En quoi puis-je vous aider ?

Radek a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Polskie Radio Euro

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Radek Radek to wirtualny doradca na portalu Polskiego Radia Euro. Radek informuje o aktualnościach i ofercie Polskiego Radia. Przekazuje też informacje na temat stanu przygotowań Polski do Euro 2012.

Hollie a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Bourne Leisure

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Hollie Virtual Hollie is providing answers to questions from people interested in visiting a number of holiday parks across the United Kingdom. The virtual assistant is currently dealing with thousands of visitors each month. The technology is answering customer queries on a variety of subjects whilst also navigating the user to additional content that appears on the website. The virtual assistant contains a wide range of content, this includes information on key attractions, when famous people are performing and routine information about each venue such as "what time do you need to check in". One of the more interesting aspects of the deployment is that "Hollie" promotes some of the events that are taking place at the resorts over the course of the year.

Staff at Butlins have full access to a wealth of management and customer contact data via the Synthetix analytics service. They can see all the questions that users to the assistant have posed. This allows them to make sure that Hollie is always updated to answer any new queries that may arise. The system also provides detailed management reports to monitor the success of the smartAgent. Hollie is the first live edition of smartAgent Version 4 and has many new features and functions that enhance the system for both the user and the website owner.

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Guide Me noHold Virtual Agents assist Cisco Linksys customers in finding the answers to their questions.

Gaito a chatbot representing Gaitobot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Gaito Hallo, Ik Bin Alex! Schön Sie wieder zu sehen.

Auch heute beantworte ich gern Ihre Fragen zu GAITO, dem virtuellen Moderator.
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