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Commercial Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Commercial
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Eva Eva es el Asistente Virtual de IMQ (Igualatorio Médico Quirúrjico), una empresa espanola de servicios sanitarios. El objetivo de Eva es ayudar a los clientes de IMQ a encontrar el médico especialista que precisan y a reservar cita con él.

Debido a que es un Asistente Virtual de 5ª generación, es capaz de entender el lenguaje natural, expresar emociones o incluso procesar frases ambiguas. También puede establecer un diálogo social y corregir errores gramaticales.

Assistente Virtual Comércio a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Lojas Renner

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Assistente Virtual Comércio O assistente virtual de Lojas Renner, a segunda maior rede de lojas de departamentos de vestuário no Brasil, proporciona aos usuários encontrar informações e resolver suas perguntas com suas próprias palavras, em linguagem natural.

Expired Père Noël a chatbot representing Les Lutins de Noël

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Père Noël Le Père Noël Chat Room, c’est une salle virtuelle dans laquelle le Père Noël est connecté 24H/24 pour parler aux enfants. Toujours équipé de sa hotte, de son clavier et de sa bonne humeur. Il sera là pour recueillir toutes vos listes de cadeaux et tous vos voeux pour Noël.

Communiquez en direct avec le Père Noël et profitez en, c’est gratuit!
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Lena Lena is an English-speaking Virtual Avatar working for the Poland Development Center of Luxoft - a global IT outsourcing leader. As the Krakow Center promotes its recruitment action, the chatbot runs an information office of the Luxoft Poland page on Facebook. Lena is responsible for bringing the company and management profile closer to the potential employees, as well as for encouraging them to apply for a job. She also supports the recruitment process by opening web sites with applications for specific posts. Lena has some unique abilities - she receives subscriptions to a Luxoft newsletter, encourages the users to 'Like' the company's profile, sends e-mails, runs quizzes and surveys. During a conversation, Lena displays corresponding images on a screen fixed at her desk. Her impressive general knowledge scope combined with a visually attractive form of presentation, makes it a professional tool to support the Luxoft marketing and recruitment strategy. A rapidly increasing number of her fans proves it all.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Agent Striker Agent Striker is Direct2Drive's new customer service representative, available 24/7. He assists the support center by answering frequently asked questions about Direct2Drive's site and services and more. With a couple of questions, Agent Striker can help diagnose and troubleshoot issues with downloads, activations and installations. Striker then personally guides users across the Support Center and navigates them to the appropriate web page to ensure the issue is resolved.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Even Canal Digital er den største TV-distributøren i Norge og den nest største bredbånddistributøren. Canal Digital opererer også i Sverige, Danmark og Finland.

Teneo Virtual Assistant leveres av Artificial Solutions og heter "Even" og hans mål er å svare på spørsmål knyttet til TV, internett og telefon. "Even" har en herlig personlighet og et stort smil som han vil vise deg hvis du skriver "fortell en vits".

"Even" er også tilgjengelig på kontaktskjemasiden, der Canal Digital har implementert Teneo EmailOptimizer. Når brukeren skriver sitt spørsmål, vil "Even" sjekke kunnskapsbasen sin og foreslå et passende svar før brukeren trykker på "send"-knappen.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Emma Emma qualifie 5 000 demandes de devis par an.
Elle est conseillère avant vente et ingénieure commerciale. Sa mission est le développement des ventes aux particuliers.

Succès :
- 1/3 des devis qualifiés sont réalisés dans les 35 jours.
- 2/3 des demandes de devis sont transformées dans les 6 mois

Protected Kate a chatbot representing AT&T BusinessDirect

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Kate Customers visiting the AT&T BusinessDirect Portfolio will be able to click one of the "Ask Kate" icons, appearing in various places throughout the website, and open a chat window to enter their question, just as if they were chatting with an agent. Kate provides a friendly, immediate written and spoken response, creating a personal and interactive experience. From deals on devices, to finding applicable discounts and getting answers to questions about service contracts, Kate can provide the same high-touch service available from call-center representatives.

For example, when a customer needs help upgrading their device, Kate will guide them through the selection process, making the buying experience personal and easy.

The technology behind Kate provides a conversational interface that goes beyond the traditional natural language processing employed by most avatars and virtual agents. Kate has the ability to understand the intent of phrases and the context in which questions are asked, guiding customers to information and offers relevant to them. She's even able to navigate users to the most helpful web pages and provide additional links to related information. For difficult questions, Kate will ask clarifying questions to help locate answers quickly.

The business-savvy virtual agent is integrated with the other real-time support options. If a customer needs to speak to an agent, the agent has access to the chat with Kate, eliminating the need for the customer to re-explain the query. Not only is Kate able to interact with customers on a variety of subjects; she also has her own opinions — including plans on how she will spend her retirement.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Wuzetka Wuzetka jest Wirtualnym Doradcą na stronie W-Z dystrybutora markowych narzędzi, maszyn, aparatury, urządzeń oraz sprzętu. W-Z oferuje także usługi outsourcingu zaopatrzeniowego w procesach zakupowych dóbr nieprodukcyjnych, jak również doradztwo w zakresie kontroli zapasów. Podstawowym zadaniem Wuzetki jest wsparcie kanału sprzedaży poprzez pomoc w wyszukaniu produktów dostępnych w katalogu narzędzi. Do tego celu służy specjalna wyszukiwarka produktów. Po wpisaniu interesującego nas przedmiotu (np. młotek) system wyświetla listę dostępnych produktów. Dodatkową opcją jest system podpowiedzi, dzięki któremu można doprecyzować zapytanie (np. młotek gumowy czarny). Znalezione przez Wuzetkę przedmioty można podejrzeć w katalogu produktów, a także dodać do zapytania ofertowego.

Mr Testis a chatbot representing Kukuxumusu

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Mr Testis Mr Testis es el vendedor virtual que trabaja en, su objetivo es hacer más fácil comprar en página web y ayudar a encontrar la información relacionada con el proceso de compra como "¿Dónde teneis tiendas? " o "¿Cuánto tiempo se necesita para que llegue el pedido a Nebraska ".
Entiende el contexto de la conversación, esto significa que usted puede dar poca información, como "Quiero comprar una camiseta" y el Mr Testis empieza a hacer preguntas y mostrar camisetas hasta que encuentre la correcta.
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