NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Commercial Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Commercial

Chatman a chatbot representing Hi

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Chatman Chatman is de held van Hi. Chatman is te vinden op televisie, in print, heeft eigen merchandising en kletst ook tegen je aan in Messenger. Chatman luistert slecht maar heeft wel leuke verhalen.

Bob a chatbot / virtual agent representing VROM

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Bob Bob de bouwassistent geeft informatie over de bouwvoorschriften voor het aanleggen van een dakkapel.

Jane a chatbot / virtual assistant representing United Utilities

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jane Ask Jane is the United Utilities virtual assistant that answers questions about Billings and Payments, Moving Home, Electricity, Water and Water Meters. It uses natural language processing, rather than keyword matching, to understand the context of the customer query. Ask Jane also suggests a train of thought by presenting a list of related content to help the customer build their knowledge around the subject matter. This helps to improve the customer experience and reduces the need to phone for further information.
The most important aspect of Ask Jane is its ease of use for both the customer and United Utilities. The customer is free to ask a question without needing to know industry-specific terms, and United Utilities have a simple interface to enter content and monitor usage. The whole process of matching the question to the content is automatic; Transversal's Metafaq even helps identify the knowledge gaps so new content can be quickly added to respond to new types of customer questions.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Eccky Een Eccky is een virtuele baby die twee chatters samen ter wereld brengen. Op grond van hun eigen persoonlijkheid, gedrag en uiterlijk ontstaat er een unieke Eccky die onder een eigen naam in de buddylist verschijnt. Dit kleintje groeit op in zes dagen tot een volwassen persoon. De (chat)intelligentie groeit mee tot een (vooralsnog) ongekend niveau.

Elias a chatbot representing Elster

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Elias Einen schönen guten Abend! Mein Name ist ELIAS. Ich bin Ihr Auskunfts- und Info-System auf der Website des Projektes ELSTER. Meine Hauptaufgabe ist es, Sie im ElsterOnline-Portal zu betreuen und Ihnen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite zu stehen. Sie können mich aber auch was zu ElsterFormular oder ElsterFT fragen.

Bitte geben Sie Ihre Frage in das Eingabefenster von ELIAS ein und klicken Sie anschließend auf 'Los'. Bitte geben Sie Ihre Fragen als vollständige Sätze ein, damit ELIAS Sie besser versteht. Sie können ELIAS alle Fragen zum Thema ELSTER stellen. Auch wenn ELIAS noch nicht jede Frage beantworten kann, erhalten Sie in der Regel umfangreiche Informationen.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Anna Anna es la asistente virtual de IKEA España. Puede responder preguntas sobre todos los productos de IKEA y transferir el diálogo a un operador de servicio al cliente en el caso de no tener la respuesta a una pregunta específica o si el usuario así lo requiere.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Anna Anna is IKEA's virtual assistant. Anna answers questions about IKEA products, prices, sizes, delivery, spare-parts, opening hours etc. and opens related pages in a browser window. Furthermore, Anna knows when your local IKEA restaurant is open and what they serve for lunch! She also answers simple but personal questions like 'what's your name?' On top, she shows emotions, for example if she couldn't find information you are looking for.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Guile Guile is the virtual host of Guile 3D Studio.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Anna Bonjour, je suis Anna, votre assistante en ligne. Posez-moi votre question à propos d'IKEA, s'il vous plaît. Je vous invite à m'écrire en utilisant des phrases courtes ou des mots clés pour mieux vous renseigner.

Shakespearebot a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Shakespearebot ShakespeareBot is an interactive chatbot designed to assist in the learning of the life and works of William Shakespeare. As well as conversation ShakespeareBot can handle;

* Image requests.
* Multimedia requests.
* File requests.
* Shakespearian word glossary.
* Detailed information regarding various plays.
* Downloadable text file versions of all Shakespeare's works.
* Options to print or email your conversation.
* RSS feed to enable the latest conversations to be viewed across the net from your personal website or blog....

Please check back regularly to check the progress and intelligence of ShakespeareBot.
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