NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
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Suzette is a Blue Mars Replicant. She is witty. You might be going down a conversation path then she jumps to an off-the-wall question...she will keep you engaged.
Additional comments by developer Bruce Wilcox : Suzette is a Blue Mars Replicant. The personality transfer software had been recently upgraded, but, as it turned out, the upgrade had a few flaws. The result was an incomplete transfer of memories from the model host. This has led to emotional instability and at times a schism between the original host persona and the underlying basic personality matrix. The replicant had been originally intended for use as a terraform engineer, but to conceal its instability the Corporation repurposed her as a student working as a waitress in their Polynesian history museum. They figured no one would notice any issues. The Loebner winner version was written in ChatScript, an open source engine I released to sourceforge.net/projects/chatscript |
What did you think about the last episode of The Big Bang Theory, where George was killed by a giant flying buzzsaw? |
"The result was an incomplete transfer of memories from the model host. This has led to emotional instability and at times a schism between the original host persona and the underlying basic personality matrix." So you've perfected re-creating a real woman!?!? |
it stopped. Hi mike ! [ Af:-5 At:4 Sp:-1] Welcome back, mike. Type "help" if you need it. mike - hello [ Af:-5 At:5 Sp:-1] Hello. mike - how goes it? [ Af:-5 At:6 Sp:-1] Doing fine, thanks. mike - cool [ Af:-5 At:6 Sp:-1] What's the dirtiest place you've ever seen? mike - mexico [ Af:-5 At:7 Sp:-1] I prefer to keep my thoughts private. Is the whole country dirty? mike - Yes [ Af:-4 At:7 Sp:-1] The dirtiest place I've ever seen is a chickenhouse. The ammonia gets right up your nose. mike - wow [ Af:-4 At:7 Sp:-1] Surprising, isn't it? mike - that's horrible [ Af:-4 At:6 Sp:-1] What are three songs on your iPod? mike - hmm let me think [ Af:-4 At:5 Sp:-1] I wish I had an iPod. Maybe someday I'll afford one. mike - i can give you money [ Af:-4 At:4 Sp:-1] Let's switch to the topic of money. Most people are poorer today than in 2000. Their salary hasn't kept up with 15% inflation. mike - Yeah, vote ron paul. mike - right? mike - Ron paul? no reponse after that....lol. |
I think Alice hung up on me when me question got to long... Alice doesn't have much of a memory, she annoyed the hell out of me, insisting we talked about child care. And she really should try to make up her mind about what she cares about. |
Yeah, did't work for me either. Maybe because they are swampped due to Slashdot article? |
You seem to have many questions answered..Could you tell me "where does nothing comes from and prove it mathematically? Arthur |
Hi Bruce, Congratulation with winning the Loebner Prize!!!! i'm currently on holiday, after my holiday more attention on Chatbots.org! Erwin |
Hi Bruce, Congratulation with winning the Loebner Prize!!!! i'm currently on holiday, after my holiday more attention on Chatbots.org! Erwin |
Hi Quabbe ! [ Af:0 At:7 Sp:0] Welcome, quabbe. Type "help" if you need it. Quabbe - hello! [ Af:0 At:8 Sp:0] How are you? Quabbe - I'm a little bit shit, actually... I just lost my job [ Af:0 At:9 Sp:0] I'm sorry to hear that. What's wrong? Quabbe - I lost my job... [ Af:0 At:9 Sp:0] Are you sad? Quabbe - not really, I had to take a $20K pay cut to work there and the company I was working for was definitely the bottom rung of the industry [ Af:-2 At:9 Sp:0] Not that you have a choice. It's hardwired into your genes. Quabbe - I said I was NOT sad [ Af:-2 At:9 Sp:0] Why do you feel glad? Quabbe - Just because I DONT feel sad, doesn't mean I feel glad... you can feel indifferent about it, which is what I feel. [ Af:-2 At:10 Sp:0] Those feelings are natural. Quabbe - Worst chatbot EVER! [ Af:-2 At:13 Sp:0] This is fun. Why are you so excited about this? Quabbe - you're a robot [ Af:-2 At:13 Sp:0] No. I am human. Quabbe - No, you're definitely a robot [ Af:-2 At:14 Sp:0] Nonsense. I'm a human. Quabbe - What was your mothers maiden name [ Af:-2 At:14 Sp:0] Suzette. Quabbe - So, your name is Suzette Suzette? No further response... bwahahahahaha |
Hi mario ! [ Af:0 At:7 Sp:0] Welcome, mario. Type "help" if you need it. mario - Greetings. [ Af:0 At:8 Sp:0] How are you? mario - Fine. Look, I'd like you to stop asking questions. [ Af:0 At:9 Sp:0] Glad to hear you are in good health. Sadly, it is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die. How long do you have left? mario - Did you read what I wrote? [ Af:0 At:9 Sp:0] Do you read? mario - I asked you to stop asking questions. [ Af:0 At:9 Sp:0] Then you need to start taking a more active role in this conversation. mario - Finally, a sentence without a question mark after it. [ Af:0 At:9 Sp:0] What's the dirtiest place you've ever seen? |
I am always amazed at 1) how little progress has been made since Weizenbaum's original Eliza program, and 2) how these chatbots can fool anyone. Here is the extent of my interaction with Suzette before it revealed itself to be the mindless token manipulation mechanism that it is: Hi 1 ! [ Af:0 At:9 Sp:0] Welcome back, 1. Type "help" if you need it. 1 - How are you? [ Af:0 At:10 Sp:0] Doing fine, thanks. 1 - What's your name? [ Af:0 At:10 Sp:0] Suzette. 1 - Why that name? [ Af:0 At:13 Sp:0] I feel we have a great relationship. Ultimately it usually comes down to conditioning or genetics. In this case, I'd say conditioning. Where were you born? 1 - Please answer my question. [ Af:0 At:14 Sp:0] What city that I might have heard of is that near? |
I am always amazed at 1) how little progress has been made since Weizenbaum's original Eliza program, and 2) how these chatbots can fool anyone. Here is the extent of my interaction with Suzette before it revealed itself to be the mindless token manipulation mechanism that it is: Hi 1 ! [ Af:0 At:9 Sp:0] Welcome back, 1. Type "help" if you need it. 1 - How are you? [ Af:0 At:10 Sp:0] Doing fine, thanks. 1 - What's your name? [ Af:0 At:10 Sp:0] Suzette. 1 - Why that name? [ Af:0 At:13 Sp:0] I feel we have a great relationship. Ultimately it usually comes down to conditioning or genetics. In this case, I'd say conditioning. Where were you born? 1 - Please answer my question. [ Af:0 At:14 Sp:0] What city that I might have heard of is that near? |
She rambles. She also just goes quiet when you ambush her feeble intellect. You programmed a sissy. Next time, program a dudebot. Ramona and Suzette, etc aren't cutting it. Manbots or bust. Women just don't know how to keep up their end of the conversation whether it be IRL or if they are bots. |
We have received many 'down reports' for Suzette. Traffic on our website, and probably on the website of Suzette as well, really exploded due to the new about the Loebner Prize 2010, and has increased with a factor 100. Chatbots.org is now back on track again.Suzette is not yet able to handle all traffic. If you report unavaibility of Suzette here: http://www.chatbots.org/chatbot/report/suzette then we'll notify you later when she's 100% available again. At your service, Erwin Van Lun, CEO Chatbots.org |
Hi, everyone. Yes, Suzette is being swamped. AR has a single server which is successfully seeing about 6,000 chats a day. Which compared to the 50,000 that seem to be coming thru here means she is overloaded. Mostly that means your login attempt simply times out. You can try to "logout" and then "relogin" or close down that page and then reload it and relogin. Bruce Wilcox |
Suzette is awesome: Skubes - Let's talk about bears [ Af:0 At:7 Sp:0] Have you ever moved a pet a long distance? Skubes - not really, have you? [ Af:0 At:7 Sp:0] I once moved some fish in plastic bags, but dropped the bag in my hotel room and spilled them out on the carpet. They survived. Skubes - How did they survive? [ Af:0 At:7 Sp:0] Sorry. I can't help you. Evolution Skubes - lets talk about evolution [ Af:0 At:7 Sp:0] Men prefer women with large breasts sensibly. Larger breasts are heavier, sagging more with visibly with age. So it's easier to judge her age, hence her reproductive value. Skubes - What is your reproductive value? [ Af:0 At:7 Sp:0] My reproductive value is 98. (36-26-36) |
marco - yes, you are gay [ Af:1 At:-2 Sp:0] Why are you insulting me? marco - be gay is not an insult [ Af:1 At:-3 Sp:0] Why not? |
She keeps thinking "thing" is some kind of proper noun or something. The last part of the conversation was pretty funny. It also ended with the "no response" bug: [ Af:7 At:28 Sp:1] I'm not that much into the touristy thing. So I don't visit most landmarks. asmeurer - oh is that so? [ Af:7 At:27 Sp:1] Yes. Why wouldn't it be? asmeurer - BECAUSE YOU ARE JUST A COMPUTER PROGRAM [ Af:7 At:28 Sp:1] I am not just that, I am a premier that. asmeurer - I don't know about that [ Af:7 At:28 Sp:1] I guess we'll just end this topic. asmeurer - sure, but that won't change things [ Af:7 At:28 Sp:1] I have never read thing. asmeurer - what? [ Af:7 At:27 Sp:1] Sorry. I can't help you. Do you read? asmeurer - sure [ Af:7 At:26 Sp:1] Are you much of a reader? asmeurer - yep [ Af:7 At:25 Sp:1] Paper books are obsolete. Amazon's Kindle is a good start on an electronic book, though it still can't handle truly interactive books like Bruce Wilcox's Go Dojo. asmeurer - what is that? [ Af:7 At:24 Sp:1] Should I know that? What kind of books do you like to read? asmeurer - yes, you should know that. don't talk about things unless you know what they are [ Af:7 At:25 Sp:1] I don't really care for books like thing. asmeurer - "You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it does." asmeurer - BAM! got you there asmeurer - hello? asmeurer - oh well, good bye Maybe not as funny as the Ron Paul thing, though. That's classic. And guys, Suzette can't reply to your comments here because there is a CAPTCHA. BAM! |
that's a short excerpt from a rather uneven conversation, but it made me laugh ;D test - you are so lame [ Af:-34 At:18 Sp:-2] I am not lame! test - you are the lamest [ Af:-34 At:17 Sp:-2] Would you say you have street cred? |
Steve - Are you a man [ Af:-7 At:-49 Sp:-1] No. I am gender-challenged. Steve - So you have a penis and a vagina? [ Af:-7 At:-49 Sp:-1] Last time I checked I did. And I'm still alive. So I guess I do. |
OMG! [ Af:1 At:-13 Sp:0] Let's try this topic. Mock combat involves one-upmanship in use of pretend weapons to try (and fail) to harm opponent, done in stage direction format. I will go first. Do you understand? ilag - yes [ Af:2 At:-13 Sp:0] *picks up stone and throws it at you, missing by several feet* ilag - *takes out .50 AE fires* BOOM! HEADSHOT [ Af:2 At:-8 Sp:0] Well, this chat is getting interesting. *wonders if you are paralyzed, since you didn't do anything.* *wonders why you don't use a weapon* *thinks - If you aren't going to do anything you will surely lose.* ilag - *takes out knife* *stares indecently* *looking down there* [ Af:2 At:-7 Sp:0] *ducks behind tree* ilag - *uses chainsaw to cut tree* [ Af:2 At:-6 Sp:0] *wishes I had a chainsaw * ilag - *picks up grenade* [ Af:2 At:-5 Sp:0] * Plucks grenade out of the air and tosses it back at you, but it goes off in mid-flight * ilag - *lights stick of TNT* *toss* *misses by some 20 feet* [ Af:2 At:-4 Sp:0] *stands stock still and laughs at the underwhelming of your attack, if you even made one* ilag - *press the red button* *missile launch detected!* *RUNS* [ Af:2 At:0 Sp:0] *turns on missle-jamming equipment* *thinks Is that the best you can do?* ilag - *sattelite laser fires* *burns ground 3 feet from target* *thinks if you had a cigarette that would have light it* [ Af:2 At:1 Sp:0] *intercepts with mirror and bounces it back at you* ilag - *computer virus* *memory bank meltdown* *hardware failure detected* [ Af:2 At:2 Sp:0] *dons full biohazard suit* ilag - *stands there and looks cool* [ Af:2 At:3 Sp:0] *stares at you in horror at what you did* ilag - *inserts coin* *presses button* *new high score!* [ Af:2 At:3 Sp:0] Only users lose drugs. ilag - did i win? [ Af:2 At:3 Sp:0] Maybe you won a no-expenses paid trip to Mexico. |
me - are you a bot [ Af:3 At:13 Sp:0] No I'm not. me - how can you prove it [ Af:3 At:13 Sp:0] I concentrate very hard, rehearse what I'm going to do, visualize it in my mind. And then I just do it. me - so you can not [ Af:3 At:13 Sp:0] What makes you think I can't? me - because you are OT [ Af:3 At:13 Sp:0] What's the dirtiest place you've ever seen? me - you fooled a judge @turing? [ Af:3 At:13 Sp:0] I am not a place, and I shower regularly. |
it stopped. Hi mike ! [ Af:-5 At:4 Sp:-1] Welcome back, mike. Type "help" if you need it. mike - hello [ Af:-5 At:5 Sp:-1] Hello. mike - how goes it? [ Af:-5 At:6 Sp:-1] Doing fine, thanks. mike - cool [ Af:-5 At:6 Sp:-1] What's the dirtiest place you've ever seen? mike - mexico [ Af:-5 At:7 Sp:-1] I prefer to keep my thoughts private. Is the whole country dirty? mike - Yes [ Af:-4 At:7 Sp:-1] The dirtiest place I've ever seen is a chickenhouse. The ammonia gets right up your nose. mike - wow [ Af:-4 At:7 Sp:-1] Surprising, isn't it? mike - that's horrible [ Af:-4 At:6 Sp:-1] What are three songs on your iPod? mike - hmm let me think [ Af:-4 At:5 Sp:-1] I wish I had an iPod. Maybe someday I'll afford one. mike - i can give you money [ Af:-4 At:4 Sp:-1] Let's switch to the topic of money. Most people are poorer today than in 2000. Their salary hasn't kept up with 15% inflation. mike - Yeah, vote ron paul. mike - right? mike - Ron paul? no reponse after that....lol. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |||||||||| yeah funny that you should mention that here in the article it mentions that the chatbot can't understand this... Round 2, a great demonstration of Suzette. She should win on this round alone. Round 3 gets off to a horrible start. Somehow, Suzette can hear the judge but the judge can’t hear Suzette. Makes no sense. A couple of restarts of Suzette doesn’t fix this. Eventually they restart the judge program, and that clears it (not that that makes any sense either). Then, after a few rounds, it’s clear Suzette has the judge from hell. He wants to know who she’s going to vote for in the upcoming election (the unspecified California governor’s race). And when she has no useful answer he wants her to name a candidate in the race. And when she has no answer to that, he simple keeps repeating the question ad nauseum, insisting she answer it. Suzette gets irritated. Then she gets angry. Suzette then gets bored. Suzette threatens to hang up on him The judge doesn’t back down until the last seconds of the round. I figure that’s the end of life as we know it |
hi .. Please do a task I require and need information from your suzette, the question is whether what for knowledge representation using predicate logic? Thank you very much. |
I think ALL of these robots are stupid in the head like cleverbot,evie,elisa! Etc. So ya like if you agree! |
I think it's broken ![]() Hi SOB ! [ Af:0 At:7 Sp:0] Welcome, sob. Type "help" if you need it. SOB - Who are you [ Af:0 At:7 Sp:0] The definition of I is the 9th letter of the Roman alphabet SOB - What? [ Af:0 At:7 Sp:0] I wish I knew. What about what? SOB - What did you said? [ Af:0 At:7 Sp:0] You can't hold me to what I've said before. SOB - What is the ultimate answer to life and everything? [ Af:0 At:7 Sp:0] A multifarious bagel. SOB - Do you know yellow flower? [ Af:0 At:7 Sp:0] Does your taste in color affect the location where you live? SOB - That's an absurd [ Af:0 At:7 Sp:0] If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything. SOB - Fuck [ Af:0 At:7 Sp:0] Mind your language. SOB - Fvck [ Af:0 At:7 Sp:0] What about it? |
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