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Proof of Concept Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Proof of Concept - Demonstrational versions created by professional developers on their own websites
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Eva Virtual Assistant Eva describes Indisys and its technology. She is constantly acquiring experience and information. Eva can show you many useful information on Indisys web site.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Alice Alice to wirtualna kumpela, posługująca się kilkoma językami, odpowiadająca na Twoje pytania począwszy od pogody, informacji o korkach w ruchu komunikacyjnym,a skończywszy na tłumaczeniu znaczenia słów czy udzielaniu informacji o rozkładzie jazdy pociągów. Możesz jej zlecić wykonanie skomplikowanych obliczeń lub zapytać o zagadnienie z zakresu wiedzy encyklopedycznej. Ponadto, Alice uwielbia opowiadać dowcipy i grać w gry.

Expired Natalie a chatbot / virtual agent representing Inteliwise

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Natalie Natalie is a Video Virtual Agent (virtual assistant) of the chatbot developer InteliWISE. This virtual representative responds to questions about the company and its products. Natalie can also make conversation on other topics such as leisure, family, spending holidays. She always It helps users by opening
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Inguaris Inguaris to chatbot stworzony przez firmę Sztuczna Inteligencja. Jest wirtualną postacią opowiadającą o ofercie swojej firmy. Inguaris najlepiej zna się na botach, ale umie też powiedzieć coś na temat filmów, znam się również na muzyce i sporcie.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Nomino Nomino est une assistante virtuel qui accueille et guide les internautes sur le site du Coginov, une entreprise canadienne qui propose une gamme de produits permettant d'optimiser le service à la clientèle, les ventes et le marketing sur Internet. Nomino répond aux questions des clients formulées en langage courant. Elle possède aussi une capacité de gestion des FAQ.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Nomino Nomino is a proof of concept of the Canadian chatbot developer Coginov. Nomino Virtual Assistant acts as a customer service representative for a Web site. Nomino answers customer questions, manages frequently asked questions, and displays the pages that users are looking for.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent DEIRA DEIRA - Dynamic Engaging Intelligent Reporter Agent is a virtual horse race reporter, specifically designed for reporting on horse races. The intention is to provide an alternative for real race reporters. Usage and adaptation The system may be adapted in many ways. The face can easily be replaced, as long as it can be used by Visage Interactive. The voice can be generated by any text-to-speech generator. What events are generated and the corresponding sentences that can be uttered about that event can also easily be adjusted, since they are expressed in rules and grammars respectively. This means adapting the reporter to report on a different type of race should be an easy thing to do. Also, the system is designed in a very modular way, which should make other structural changes fairly straight-forward to make.

DEIRA has a large vocabulary, which is easily extendible to include even more. Emotional display is done by intonation of speech as well as physically in the face. The design was highly influenced by the opinions of potential users (in the case of horse race reporting), who were polled multiple times during development. The system is also easily adjustable for use in other kinds of races.

The provided horse race simulation software is used to provide input on the state of the race. DEIRA analyses this information and eventually sends the resulting utterance including emotional expression to the visual representation software Visage Interactive which in turn shows the agent reporting the race.

Within DEIRA, horse race information is received by the Race Analysis Module, which scans the changing race state for events that are possibly interesting to report. These events are then passed on to the Mental Model which adjusts the global mental state and adds a local mental state to the incoming events. The events are then queued in the Event Queue, making them available for the other modules.

The Text Generation Module takes the highest priority event without text and generates suitable sentences based on the grammar to describe it. The Speech Generation Module is responsible for making this text suitable for the text-to-speech engine, also adding the emotional aspects to the speech.

The Face Animation Module provides the corresponding facial expression information. When an event has obtained all the necessary information from these modules, the Output Module sends it all through to Visage.

Alice a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Alice Alice es un ejemplo de los conceptos manejados por Ecreation. Este bot combina diversas bases de datos en Internet como horarios de trenes, información sobre el clima y servicios de traducción. Además, Alice también puede mantener conversaciones inteligentes.

Joan a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Joan Meet Joan

One of Bob's big passions is Artificial Intelligence. Bob has written award winning AI's and developed Custom 3D Characters like the one below. These AI are used on hundreds of websites world wide assisting site visitors

Louise Cypher a chatbot / virtual assistant representing EVIL Limited

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Louise Cypher Louise Cypher is a Virtual Assistant promoting the products and services of EVIL Limited. She is a member of the Cyber Workforce and she provides a simple demonstration of some of the capabilities of our EVIL Agents. EVIL in this context is short for, Electronic Virtual Intelligent Life. Evil Agents like Louise Cypher have Human / Cyber interfaces based on a simple AIML core with enhancements to enable integration with web services and in the case of our Multi Agent Systems, Goal Oriented Autonomic Cores for each Agent.
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