NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Campaign Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Campaign - Designed for a limited timeserving a campaign objective

MyFashionableLife a chatbot representing Clean & Clear

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent MyFashionableLife This chatbot gives you beauty and fashion advice.

Here are some questions you can ask this bot:

* How do I choose lip liner?
* How do I fix a bad hair day in a cinch?

* What are some common hair-care myths?

* How do I remove makeup quickly?

Koen a chatbot representing VGZ

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Koen Koen beantwoordt vragen over veilig vrijen, gezondheid, sporten, voeding en over verzekeren. Je kunt ook leuke testjes met Koen doen zoals de koffiequiz in of de veilig vrijentest. Ook maakt Koen gebruik van het zogenaamde activity window.

Talktofrank a chatbot representing TalkToFrank

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Talktofrank The Talk to FRANK Bot is a fully automated Windows Live Agent designed to give young people information on drugs from content supplied by FRANK, the national drug information and advice service. Information.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sinterklaas In samenwerking met Endemol lanceerde Ecreation een virtuele Sinterklaas op MSN. Sinterklaas kon helpen met het schrijven van gedichten, kopen van kado`s en herinneren om je schoen te zetten. Daarnaast maakte de Sint het mogelijk om via zijn chatbot iets over iemand in zijn grote boek te schrijven. De virtuele Sint is 2 weken actief geweest en heeft voor veel publiciteit gezorgd.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Hallie Hallie is a 'test chatbot' located near the SL Library on Info Island. Se will repond to questions via chat, and may be SL's answer to the automated attendant.

Dr. Love a chatbot representing Startpagina

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Dr. Love Voor Startpagina lanceerde Ecreation Doctor Love. Een webbased Chatbot voor Valentijnsdag. Doctor Love was de gehele maand februari actief en voorzag de gebruikers van allerlei informatie, cadeautips, speciale evenementen, restaurants en links naar websites over Valentijn.',

Bundestagsadler a chatbot representing Bundestag

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Bundestagsadler Ich bin der Bundestagsadler!!!
Der virtuelle Adler verfügt über ein breites Wissen zum Thema Wahlen und Bundestag. Tragen Sie einfach Ihre Frage in das Eingabefeld oben ein, klicken Sie dann auf den Schalter "Frage absenden". Unser Adler wartet auf Ihre Fragen und gibt gerne Antworten.

Chatman a chatbot representing Hi

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Chatman Chatman is de held van Hi. Chatman is te vinden op televisie, in print, heeft eigen merchandising en kletst ook tegen je aan in Messenger. Chatman luistert slecht maar heeft wel leuke verhalen.

Eureka a chatbot representing Europe

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Eureka Text in Hungarian not yet available. Developer Aitia might help. Press contact.

EURÉKA EU-robot with knowledge about the European Union. EU accession Festival, Millenáris Park. Chatbot called EuRéka informs festival visitors about the issues related to the EU accession of Hungary, and answers all questions asked about the Union. EuRéka is an avatar, a conversation partner, tutor and informant. Attendances: EU accession Festivals, Millenáris Park; EU Belül Tágasabb Roadshow 2005 ( on 17 locations in Hungary)

  • 3D chatter robot

  • Holographic image

  • Chatbot technology

  • Voice recognition technology

  • "Tutor" robot, avatar

  • 1500 questions about EU

  • Personal contact with the computer

  • "Play to learn" opportunity for everyone

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Tom Riddle's diary Tom Riddle's diary is a magical object that appears in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. If you haven't read the book, nor watched the movie, Harry Potter finds this diary with nothing written in it. When he starts writing in it, the diary erases what he just wrote. Then the diary itself writes a reply back on the same page. This bot does exactly the same. Enjoy the magic!!
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