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Animals & aliens Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Animals & aliens - Speaking, listening and responding virtual animals, cartoonlike characters or creatures from space

PennyCat a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Native Cats Inc.

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent PennyCat PennyCat is the chatbot for Messenger that allows you to discover discount coupons for online stores, earn loyalty points and play games for extra points.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent FrontinoBot El oso de anteojos (Tremarctos ornatus), también conocido como oso frontino, oso andino, oso sudamericano, ucumari y jukumari, es una especie de mamífero carnívoro de la familia Ursidae.
Actualmente se encuentra en peligro de extinción, con el propósito de que mas gente conozca de este grandioso Oso Venezolano, se a creado este chat, en el cual hablaras con el oso frontino, y podrás llevar una conversación normal, un chateo común, y podrás obtener información de el de una forma didáctica, entre las preguntas que le puedes hacer estan:

*Preguntale donde ers
*Preguntale que come
*Preguntale su peso
*Dile que te hable
*Dile tu nombre
*Preguntale como te llamas
*Pidele chistes

En fin esas son unas de las muchas formas en las cuales podrás interactua con el, asi que descargalo y trata de chatear tu mismo con el, y colócalo a prueba, le puedes escribir al igual que puedes hablarle.

De esta forma haremos conciencia de la existencia de este grandioso oso, y mientras mas gente le conozca mas fácil sera evitar su extinción.

Descarga y comparte para juntos ayudar al Oso Frontino, único oso existente en Venezuela, mientras disfrutas de su gran humor


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poppy-cat a chatbot / virtual agent representing talkigy

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent poppy-cat Poppy is intended to be a fun way to try out the talkigy chat platform. talkigy is intended for content rich applications, were you would like users to explore a deep and rich knowledgebase in the most natural way - by chatting.

Key to enabling content rich applications is making it easy for authors to re-use and contribute content quickly using spreadsheets to enter the content and with no need for specialist knowledge or programming skills.

Poppy is one example of the platform. More examples can be found at
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Clarence Clarence is an alien learning the ways and cultures of humans here on earth. He has an attitude and many find it a challenge to get along with him, yet he holds the mysteries of the universe!
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent PeTE The PeTE, a truly helpful Virtual Assistant for the newly developed AT&T corporation.

The PTE at AT&T provides business customers exclusive access to sample code, APIs, SDKs and technical documentation for building mobile productivity solutions for enterprises of all sizes.

PeTE from is helping customers with intent - recognition search and customer - engagement triggers. It has like a cool avatar too - The Parrot.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Mr TeleTu Mr TeleTu è probabilmente il primo maiale giallo per entrare nel mondo dell'intelligenza artificiale. Mr TeleTu assiste i clienti ad accedere al proprio conto online per la prima volta, aiutandoli a trovare gli estremi identificativi richiesti e guidandoli attraverso il processo di registrazione.

Mubu a chatbot / virtual agent representing Mobile Interactive

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Mubu Mobile Interactive poszukiwało rozwiązania, które pozwoli na efektywne i bezosobowe udzielanie pomocy klientom. Początkową barierą był częściowo młodzieżowy przekaz strony, ale technologia rozpoznawania języka naturalnego (NLP) opracowana przez InteliWISE pozwoliła na bezbłędną komunikację z młodzieżą i osobami dorosłymi.

Emma a chatbot representing Mentor Public Library

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Emma Emma the MPL Catbot is the Mentor Public Library’s virtual reference librarian. Emma helps our patrons by answering their questions about the library and by directing them to other online resources. (She just started answering reference questions, too!) Keeping with the long tradition of library cats, Emma has the appearance of a Maine Coon.

When Emma first appeared November 19, 2009, she answered a dozen pre-programmed FAQs. Six weeks later, her first artificially intelligent version went live. Since then, her knowledge has been increased to include library services, policies, hours and directions, links to online demos, and to other websites and databases. She has recently started passing searches to outside databases, opening a new window, and displaying the results. Developing virtual reference is a top priority at MPL; we are very excited that the Akron-Summit County Public Library is now working in partnership with us to further develop and implement this technology and will soon have a “Catbot” of their own.

Public response has been encouraging; Emma regularly receives marriage proposals and has accumulated quite a number of fans. Virtual reference has connected our library with a new group of users and has helped us to maintain services in a very tough economy.

Expired Alien a chatbot representing MAXIMonline

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Alien Инопланетянин приглашал посмотреть трейлер фильма, предлагал посетить специальные интернет сайты (ссылки на рекламируемые ресурсы вставляются в его реплики) и сходить в кино. Баннер ориентирован на интерактив и сам инициирует разговор с пользователем.
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