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Chatbots starting with v

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - A-Z Letter v

Virtual Assistant a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Seur

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtual Assistant El Asistente Virtual de Seur ayuda a los usuarios a encontrar información y resolver preguntas con sus propias palabras, en lenguaje natural.

Expired Virtual Assistant a chatbot / virtual assistant representing ASDA

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtual Assistant ASDA’s V-Person™ is designed to replicate the warm and friendly assistance of in-store customer service for online shoppers. Ask ASDA not only helps customers understand the online shopping platform but also decreases the number of calls and emails to the call centres and provides ASDA with real-time 'conversational' feedback from their customers.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtual Assistant Customers using the Sainsbury's Bank website are able to find answers to their questions quickly and easily thanks to their online virtual assistant. Covering topics ranging from insurance to travel services to Nectar Points, this V-Person™ system utilises a non-avatar template that reflects the company branding. The virtual assistant is launched through the use of the site search located at the top of each page on the website.

Virtual assistant a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Waterstone

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtual assistant The Virtual Assistant on the Waterstone's website can not only be launched from their homepage, but also from the What's New and Daily News pages.

User comfort is created by incorporating the Waterstone's logo into the interface.

This Virtual Assistant is able to recognise when users are asking for specific book topics and direct them to the correct subject pages. For example, if you ask 'books on roses' you will be directed to the Home and Garden categories page while asking 'books on football' will bring up the link for the Sports categories page.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtual Assistant Aviva’s V-Person™ helps users with questions about Motor, Home and Travel insurance. Besides being found on these pages, the virtual assistant has also been deployed on the Car Quote form and can be launched by users logged into the Self Service area. The use of Site Context allows for content to be restricted to keep the user from being drawn out of a specific content group before an application or sale is completed.

Expired Virtual assistant a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Alliance Leicester

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtual assistant Alliance & Leicester has removed their site search tool and replaced it with their Virtual Assistant. Typing a question or keyword in the search box on their homepage automatically brings up the Virtual Assistant.

Virtual Assistant a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Allianz

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtual Assistant El Asistente Virtual de Allianz ayuda a los usuarios a encontrar información y resolver preguntas con sus propias palabras, en lenguaje natural.

En un mercado especialmente competitivo, la aseguradora se acerca a clientes y mediadores con un sistema innovador y altamente efectivo a través de un software especializado con apariencia de buscador y disponible en todas las páginas de su portal, la solución basada en el Lenguaje Natural de inbenta ofrece ayuda para encontrar la información necesaria sobre productos y servicios de Allianz Seguros.

En un entorno de mercado especialmente competitivo, los productos de Allianz destacan por su dinamismo y adaptación a los cambios y nuevas necesidades que experimentan tanto particulares como empresas. Ampliar su oferta aseguradora con productos y servicios cada vez más completos y novedosos implica, asimismo, continuar innovando en la manera de acercarse a sus clientes y mediadores para poder orientarles y responder a sus cuestiones de forma eficaz y rápida en cualquier momento.

Expired Virtual assistant a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Lloyds TSB

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtual assistant Lloyds TSB, one of the UK's largest and most respected banks, employs a non-avatar Virtual Assistant on their main website. One way users can launch the pop-up is to enter their question into the box on the Help Page and click "Ask".

Due to company rebranding, this virtual assistant was decommissioned in October 2013 and replaced by two new systems launched the previous month for Lloyds Bank and TSB Bank.

Virtual Assistant Airlines a chatbot representing Iberia

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtual Assistant Airlines The Virtual Assistant placed at the "Contact and Help" tab of the international airline company Iberia, allows its clients to solve any question related to their flights, such as meals on board, special services, frequent flyer program, etc. Natural language gives efficient and quick answers.

Virtual Assistant Banking a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Caja navarra (CAN)

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtual Assistant Banking The Virtual Assistant of CAN helps users find information and solve all kind of questions using their own words, in Natural Language.

CAN, a medium-sized savings bank based in the Navarre region of northern Spain known for its unique Civic Banking model, through the search box using Inbentas Natural Language technology helps users who can ask questions in their own words.
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