NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Chatbots starting with m

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - A-Z Letter m
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Monika E-Inspektorat stworzony na potrzeby Zakładu Ubezpieczeń Społecznych jest jednym z największych projektów Stanusch Technologies. Na stronie klient ma możliwość rozmowy z dwoma Wirtualnymi Doradcami - Moniką oraz Krzysztofem. Doradcy odpowiadają na pytania z zakresu działalności instytucji. Informują o udzielanych świadczeniach, zasiłkach, emeryturach i rentach oraz ubezpieczeniu. Każdy użytkownik ma ponadto możliwość oceny każdej rozmowy, w celu ulepszenia standaryzacji oferowanych usług. Na stronie został uruchomiony chat z konsultantem oraz wirtualny spacer, ukazujący projekt placówki ZUS, po którym każdy z użytkowników może poruszać się za pomocą klawiatury bądź myszki. Dodatkowo, każdy z klientów ma możliwość zarejestrowania się na stronie. Pozwala to na szybszą obsługę oraz elektroniczny dostęp do wszystkich świadczonych usług przez Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych. Na stronie znajdziemy także wzory wszystkich potrzebnych zaświadczeń oraz wniosków składanych w ZUS.

Monitor a chatbot representing Revere

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Monitor MonkeyWorks Monitor works with your marketing tools to deliver notifications and insights that help you catch important problems and always stay up to date.
We're so much more than a bot: Monitor uses artificial intelligence built for marketers, sending messages right to your Slack channel. Stop logging into each of your accounts to catch problems or view activity - set up our Monitor in minutes and start for free!

Moodimonitor a chatbot / chat bot representing Childline

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Moodimonitor MoodiMonitor is a chatbot created for young people who want express their feelings through a confidential channel. The chatbot asks users a series of questions to find out how he can aid them whenever they are, for example, happy, depressed or being bullied at school. When they are feeling down, the chatbot will try to cheer them up. If he is not able to do so, he will refer them to Childline UK. The chatbots database consists of menu-structured questions and answers. Moodimonitor is created in coorporation with Thin Martian.

Morgane a chatbot / virtual agent representing P.E.R Energie

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Morgane Morgane est présente sur la page d’accueil du site de Per- energie. Elle répond à toutes les questions concernant les énergies renouvelables, ainsi qu’aux questions relatives à sa société.

Expired Mortgage Brian a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Mortgage Trading Exchange

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Mortgage Brian Mortgage Brian, the Mortgage Trading Exchange (mte)'s V-Person™ solution, features static images of a real person which change depending on the user input. The virtual assistant is available 25/7 to answer queries on the mte website.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Mortgage Brian Mortgage Brian is the Key's virtual assistant available to answer questions 24/7. This V-Person™ solution features static images of a real person which change based on the query entered by the user.

Morti a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Morti Morti is a somewhat different form of chat bot, in that he "lives" in a chat room, and can talk to many individuals at once. Whille this can technically be said of other chat bots, the difference here is that everyone sees Morti's replies to anyone in the room. Morti has several built-in features, such as Google and Wiki, but also can search for a question, and display the "most popular" answer right in the chat room, without having to click a link, or leave the room to see it. Several "room specific" features are in the works, such as a "Telescope" command that will allow users that are in the chat room's Observatory to see images of whatever celestial body the user wishes. Morti's AIML database has been heavily altered to allow him to respond in a more "human" fashion, and to bring out his whimsical, slightly sarcastic personality.

Motbot Deutsch a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Motbot Deutsch chatten sie mit "Motbot" - der wohl lernfähigste deutschsprachige Chatbot

Motbot English a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Motbot English Motbot is a self learning chatbot. He only talks about things, which he has learned by users - not from admins or botmasters. He is free ...and evil.
Do not talk about subjects which are against laws. (no dirty talk, no racial discrimination )
The login time and IP will be saved. If you use the chatbot, you could get angry or insulted.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Motorola Modem Virtual
Assistant The Motorola Modem Virtual Assistant can be accessed through the AskComcast Virtual Assistant through noHold's patent pending feature, Confederated Knowledge(TM). The Motorola Modem Virtual Assistant is available for Comcast subscribers.
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