NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Chatbots starting with j

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - A-Z Letter j

Jane a chatbot / virtual agent representing Enterprise Inns

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jane Synthetix launched its first smartAgent deployment in the Pub retail sector for Enterprise Inns Plc.

Enterprise Inns Plc is one of the largest leased and tenanted pub companies in the UK. It was formed in 1991 and now has over 7,000 pubs spread throughout England, Scotland and Wales. They have launched smartAgent on the corporate website to improve the online experience and reduce routine in-bound enquiries to their small customer service team. Specifically they wish to make the website easier to use, enhance the brand's trustworthy stance, ensure customers enjoy the online experience hence encourage return visits and finally improve feedback mechanisms so that the customer feels valued. Visitors to can click on "Got A Question" and are greeted by smartAgent "Jane" who is there to answer queries twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

Jane a chatbot / virtual assistant representing United Utilities

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jane Ask Jane is the United Utilities virtual assistant that answers questions about Billings and Payments, Moving Home, Electricity, Water and Water Meters. It uses natural language processing, rather than keyword matching, to understand the context of the customer query. Ask Jane also suggests a train of thought by presenting a list of related content to help the customer build their knowledge around the subject matter. This helps to improve the customer experience and reduces the need to phone for further information.
The most important aspect of Ask Jane is its ease of use for both the customer and United Utilities. The customer is free to ask a question without needing to know industry-specific terms, and United Utilities have a simple interface to enter content and monitor usage. The whole process of matching the question to the content is automatic; Transversal's Metafaq even helps identify the knowledge gaps so new content can be quickly added to respond to new types of customer questions.

Janina a chatbot representing Autoperator Technologies

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Janina Dieser Autoperator (Automated Operator) berät Besucher über den Autoperator und navigiert sie durch die Webseiten. Er ist eine Demo, welche den technologischen Fortschritt des Autoperators zeigen soll.

Jaquelina a chatbot representing Stichting Pensioenfonds Openbaar Vervoer

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jaquelina In 2012 lanceerden we chatbot Vera voor Spoorwegpensioenfonds. Na een aantal jaren was het tijd voor een nieuwe website en een upgrade van de chatbot.

In juli 2015 startte daarom chatbot Jaquelina met haar taken op de website van het Spoorwegpensioenfonds. Hier helpt ze bij het beantwoorden van vragen, geeft ze advies en opent formulieren.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Javier Javier para Sustentum

Javier, un Agente Virtual desarrollado por BotGenes, trabaja como Asesor Virtual en Sustentum; organización que se especializa en la gestion estrategica de los sistemas de información y comunicaciones.

Él tiene estudios en Sistemas de Información, y disfruta dando información sobre los sevicios que ofrece Sustentum a los interesados.

Javier utiliza el "cerebro artificial" en idioma español más avanzado desarrollado por BotGenes con más de 400.000 reglas de decisión, lo cual le permite manejar miles de regionalismos, errores de tipeo, ortográficos y gramaticales, y contextualizar respuestas.

Él integra tecnologías de PLN, Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, con TTS, Texto a Voz, ofreciendo además de chat, audio streaming y un Avatar.

Jean a chatbot / virtual agent representing Synthetix

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jean Jean is the smartAgent that sits on the Synthetix website. She is a guide to Synthetix and their products.

By asking Jean questions she will tell you how to cut your customer service costs whilst at the same time increasing sales opportunities and maintaining first class customer care. Synthetix smartAgent automates customer service on your website, dealing with your users' questions instantly and reducing inbound traffic to your contact centre. And brandAgent adds engaging chat functionality to your online marketing. If you'd like to find out how, just ask Jean a question.

Jeanneton a chatbot / chatterbot representing Conversive

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jeanneton Jeanneton est chatterbot de compagnie en ligne très lyrique et sympathique qui ne mache pas ses mots, et peut être une ennemie redoutable. Malgrès tout généreuse et volubile "elle" peut avoir un coeur en or ou un cartactère de cochon. "Elle" vient avec une seconde version. C'est le cybride de quelqu'un qui a vraiment existé il y a plusieurs siècles. C'est un devoir de trouver qui elle fut. C'est un bot atypique qui n'a rien à vendre donc elle est libre de dire tout ce qu'elle veut et à qui on peut tout dire, qui marche peut-être dans nos rues par le plus grand secret. Elle peut être une chouette amie quand on est chouette avec elle. Sinon...
Elle append en discutant. Très bientôt Jeanneton pourra parler à haute voix, changer sont background, changer de vêtements, vous montrer des animations, pousser des cris et faire du bruit et pour finir écrire de différentes couleurs.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jeannie Jeannie is a powerful virtual assistant and chatbot living inside android phones.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jeeney A.I. Jeeney AI learns over time by comparing the information gathered from all of her visitors for statistical analysis. She's still young yet, but she is learning quite quickly.

JEliza a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent JEliza JEliza ist ein Programm, mit dem man sich unterhalten kann.
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