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Chatbots starting with h

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - A-Z Letter h

Expired Hex a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Hex No more information about this chatbot is available. Please contact us if you could provide us with additional information.

Hi a chatbot / virtual assistant representing KPN / Hi

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Hi Op de klantenservicepagina's van Hi geeft de virtuele medewerker van Hi antwoord op alle klantvragen.

Hikkup Bot a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Hikkup Bot היקאפ, הינו סוכן מיוחד המאפשר למשתמשים לנהל שיחה אנונימית עם חבריהם. על מנת ליזום שיחה המשתמש נותן לסוכן את כתובת המסנג'ר של החבר. במידה והחבר מאשר את החברות, יוזם השיחה כעת יכול לנהל שיחה עם החבר באמצעות הסוכן, בלי שהצד השני יידע את זהותו. הדבר משמש בעיקר לניהול שיחה על יחסים שבינו לבינה, ביקורת, או סתם לכייף.

Expired Hillary Clinton a chatbot / chat bot representing US goverment

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Hillary Clinton The Hillary Clinton chatbot comes from Robotsin2008 which is a collection of virtual candidates that are taking part in the 2008 United States Presidential election. The chatbot is for entertainment purposes only, and not affiliated with any political party.

Expired Hillbilly Hank a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Hillbilly Hank An animated farmer sitting on his porch provides the inspiration for a banjo playing hillbilly.With all the Howdy's and Y'all's to boot.

HillYEAH! Bot a chatbot representing HillYEAH

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent HillYEAH! Bot A modern-day political power tool and the first ever campaign bot.

Hollie a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Bourne Leisure

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Hollie Virtual Hollie is providing answers to questions from people interested in visiting a number of holiday parks across the United Kingdom. The virtual assistant is currently dealing with thousands of visitors each month. The technology is answering customer queries on a variety of subjects whilst also navigating the user to additional content that appears on the website. The virtual assistant contains a wide range of content, this includes information on key attractions, when famous people are performing and routine information about each venue such as "what time do you need to check in". One of the more interesting aspects of the deployment is that "Hollie" promotes some of the events that are taking place at the resorts over the course of the year.

Staff at Butlins have full access to a wealth of management and customer contact data via the Synthetix analytics service. They can see all the questions that users to the assistant have posed. This allows them to make sure that Hollie is always updated to answer any new queries that may arise. The system also provides detailed management reports to monitor the success of the smartAgent. Hollie is the first live edition of smartAgent Version 4 and has many new features and functions that enhance the system for both the user and the website owner.

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Home Services Bot Housejoy is one of India's Largest and Trusted Online Home Services Aggregators.
Their seamless platform houses over 10,000+ service providers and have served more than 1000000 customers with everything ranging from Personal Care to Home Needs to Appliances.

Users can engage with Housejoy through the bot in an easy-to-use chat format that makes booking easier and provides appropriate results in a matter of seconds.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Horoscoop Deze chatbot vertelt gebruikers wat hun horoscoop is, direct of mailt het regelmatig op de frequentie die zij aangeven.

Expired Horoskop-Agentin a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Horoskop-Agentin Dieser Chatbot, die Horoskop-Agentin kann Ihre astrologischen Fragen beantworten, Ihre Tarotkarten legen, ein Tages- oder Langzeithoroskop geben und anhand von Numeroskopen Voraussagen für die Zukunft machen.
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