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Chatbots starting with c

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - A-Z Letter c

Chuck a chatbot representing MSN

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Chuck Chuck houdt van lekker weg te snacken nieuws, de heetste roddels en de vetste videos voor als je aan het chatten bent in Windows Live Messenger. Chuck zag het licht toen je met hem samen naar de eerste Live Earth concerten kon kijken. Je kunt Chuck van alles vragen. Als je zegt NIEUWS Brad Pitt, krijg al het laatste nieuws over deze filmster. Zeg je bijvoorbeeld FOTO Rihanna, dan krijg je de leukste foto's van Rihanna, welke je direct naar je schermafbeelding kunt slepen, zo pimp je je Messenger in no time. Ook kent Chuck alle leukste videootjes van MSN Video, probeer maar eens VIDEO Paris Hilton, voor wat vermaak.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Chuck Norris Chatbot Chuck Norris facts are satirical factoids about martial artist and actor Chuck Norris that have become an Internet phenomenon and as a result have become widespread in popular culture.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Cindy Cindy is a CML (Conversation Markup Language) Interpreter. It implements all user cases listed in the CML specification. When you download Cindy or sign up for the Novabot hosting service, a set of sample CML sources will be provided to show you what CML can do, as well as being a practical CML FAQ chat bot. You can ask questions about CML and weather. The source code also contains examples for more complex CML features like flow control and Topic merging. It is XML based chatbots language and interpretation engine, with web-hosting service.

Expired Citra a chatbot / virtual agent representing Santika Indonesia Hotels & Resorts

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Citra Citra is the online assistant for Santika Indonesia Hotels & Resorts, one of the largest hotel chains in Indonesia. Citra’s main responsibilities are to answer general enquiries from website visitors, and to assist guests in relation to their accommodation needs. Citra acts as an extension to current Live Chat services.

cl0ne a chatbot / chatterbot representing cl0ne represent cl0ne

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent cl0ne cl0ne is for cluster language zero network embedded.
The zero inside the name cl0ne indicate a singular clone and not a generic clone.
The mission of cl0ne is to clonify a human mind with a strong approach of Artificial General Intelligence.
cl0ne learn during the conversation your terminology and connect your phrases in a fluid manner.
At the base of cl0ne is the cl0 language : constraint logic zero.
cl0ne is a team of 3 cooperative chatterbot and not only one.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Claire Claire est l'Agent Virtuel Intelligent de support de l'éditeur de logiciel professionnels Ciel! La clientèle de Ciel étant constituée de professionnels, Claire est le premier agent conversationnel B2B en Europe! Claire permet au service clientèle de Ciel! d'étendre sa couverture le soir et le week-end. C'est un succès : 20% des conversations ont lieu le week-end et 30% le soir ou la nuit, hors des horaires d'ouverture du standard téléphonique.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Clara „Clara“ spricht auf

Die virtuelle Serviceberaterin Clara steht seit Anfang 2013 den Otto-Kunden auf mit Rat und Charme beim Online-Shoppen zur Seite. Immer freundlich und mit einem Lächeln auf den Lippen gibt Clara kleine Hilfestellungen beim sicheren und zielgerichteten Navigieren über die Seiten. Schnell, verständlich, kostenlos – Service pur.

Clara ist ein neuartiger Avatar zur Verbesserung des Online-Shopping-Erlebnisses und stammt aus dem „Entwicklungs-Labor“ von novomind. Die eBusiness-Experten mit Sitz in Hamburg verfügen über langjährige Erfahrung bei der Entwicklung und Implementierung smarter und leistungsstarker Lösungen für die moderne Internet-Welt. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Fach-Abteilung bei Otto wurde „Clara“ gezielt auf die Ansprüche des modernen Online-Shoppings entwickelt und realisiert.

Clara a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Inbenta

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Clara Clara és l'Assistent Virtual de la nopstra empresa fundada el 2005 a Barcelona, una companyia especialitzada i líder en Processament del Llenguatge Natural i en Cerca Semàntica.

D'ençà de la seva creació, inbenta ha dedicat grans esforços en desenvolupar tècniques de lingüística computacional, tecnologies web, soluciones d'atenció al client i estratègies de màrqueting en línia. Fou a partir d’aquestes quatre competències que la seva oferta de serveis i solucions evolucionà en el temps fins a finalment acomplir les expectatives dels grans comptes web i intranet d’avui en dia.

Clara a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Inbenta

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Clara Clara, is the Virtual Assistant of our own company founded in 2005 in Barcelona, Inbenta, leading company specialized in Natural Language Processing and Semantic Search.

Since its creation, Inbenta has put a lot of effort into developing skills in computational linguistics, web technologies, customer service solutions, and online marketing strategies. It was through these four key competencies that their offer of services and solutions evolved over time until finally achieving the main expectations of key accounts’ website and intranet nowadays.

Clara a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Inbenta

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Clara Clara es el Asistente Virtual de nuestra empresa fundada en 2005 en Barcelona, inbenta, una compañía especializada y líder en Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural y en Búsqueda Semántica.

Desde su creación, inbenta ha dedicado grandes esfuerzos en desarrollar técnicas de lingüística computacional, tecnologías web, soluciones de atención al cliente y estrategias de marketing online. Fue a partir de estas cuatro competencias que su oferta servicios y soluciones evolucionó en el tiempo hasta finalmente alcanzar las expectativas de las grandes cuentas web e intranet de hoy.
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