NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Chatbots starting with b

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - A-Z Letter b

Protected Bay Nakit a chatbot representing Finansbank

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Bay Nakit Bay Nakit, tüm Finansbank çalışanlarının, Cardfinans Nakit ürünüyle ilgili sorularını 7/24 yanıtlıyor.

BB a chatbot / chat bot representing KLM

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent BB Dutch Airline KLM (part of AirFrance/KLM) introduces BB (that's short for BlueBot); KLM's service (chat)bot on Messenger.

If you'd like to book a ticket, there's a new way to do so. You'll get your boarding pass through this channel.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent BBVA Portugal BBVA Portugal ha incorporado un asistente para fomentar el uso del canal online. Los principales objetivos del asistente son ayudar a sus clientes a realizar operativas y encontrar la información de manera simplificada. El asistente además tiene la opción de conectar con otros canales de ayuda (chat online) en caso de no saber lo consultado. Lo ventajoso de este complemento es que al asistente real del chat online se le entrega la conversación previa con el asistente virtual, por lo que el cliente no tiene que volver a escribir su consulta.

Expired Béa a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Banque Accord

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Béa Béa répond aux questions des clients de Banque Accord. Béa renseigne et accompagne les utilisateurs de banque sur l'ensemble des fonctionnalités du site ou la gestion de leur compte personnel, des transactions aux simulations de prêt en ligne.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Beata Beata jest jednym z Wirtualnych Recepcjonistów którzy obsługują stronę Hotelu Denise. Jest to strona demonstracyjna technologi Denise. Nasi Recepcjoniści odpowiedzą na wszystkie pytania dotyczące Hotelu, oferty, promocji, atrakcji w okolicy i wiele więcej. Wszyscy Recepcjoniści mówią w 2 językach - polskim i angielskim.

Beata a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Oriflame Poland

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Beata Beata to wirtualna konsultantka, która na stronie domowej Oriflame Poland opowiada o sposobie działania tej kosmetycznej firmy. Beata zachęca odwiedzających do zapisania się do Klubu Oriflame oraz do rozpoczęcia pracy w Oriflame. Zajmuje się także sprzedażą kosmetyków i opowiada jak zarobić na nich pieniądze oraz jak zbudować własną grupę konsultantów.

Beatrice a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Bettini Automobili

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Beatrice Beatrice è l'Assistente virtuale del marchio Bettini

BeauCo a chatbot representing Shiseido

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent BeauCo Shiseido is one of the oldest cosmetics companies in the world. Despite being steeped in history, innovation has always been at the heart of the business and Shiseido is using Teneo to develop a closer relationship with its younger customer base with the “Beau-co” beauty app. Beau-co customers can converse with the app about all manner of beauty related topics such as how to apply eye make-up, as well as specific Shiseido products. Beau-co delivers the experience in a lively and engaging way to its younger customer base, who predominately use smartphones.
Shiseido recognized that a conversational aspect would give them the desired interaction and provide a wealth of information about their customer base, but building and delivering such an app in Japanese was a challenge. Not only are words and phrases built complexly, but users frequently insert non-Japanese characters if using a text input. Teneo was the only natural language technology capable of delivering this human-like, intelligent experience in Japanese.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent BECU 'Ask BECU' is a non avatar-based Intelligent Virtual Assistant available to assist members externally and employees, internally. BECU also added 'Access Assistant' to 'Ask BECU', helping members access their account
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Beer BOT I'm Beer BOT! I can send information about beers, breweries & more! Let's chat! Cheers!
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