Gooster helps travelers with tips and recommendations for:
- Food
- Shopping
- Nightlife
- Events & Happenings
- Sightseeing & Attractions
- Useful tips about the destination itself (free stuff to do, good-to-know)
NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
English, Web, Text recognition, Text synthesis, Travel, Avatar, Amateur | since Jun 2017 in
English, Web, Speech recognition, Speech synthesis, Text recognition, Text synthesis, Avatar, Commercial | since Mar 2017 in
EGO since Jan 2015 in English, Web, Career & education, Text recognition, Text synthesis, Avatar, Commercial | by
International Language Machines Ltd. since Apr 2010 in English, Web, Education, learn & lookup, Robot toy, Speech synthesis, Text recognition, Faceless, Commercial | by
Support Machines since Jan 2009 in English, Web, Customer service, Knowledge management, Telecoms & utilities, Text recognition, Text synthesis, Avatar, Commercial | by