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Virtual agents / Chatbots
in France

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - France - English

Altai a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Altai Adopt an AI at home, just for yourself?
That's what Emergence made possible!

No haggling over your personal data
free and without ads

The open source community Utopia-French.Tech is happy and proud to announce the opening of the public beta of the Emergence games!

Expired Altaï a chatbot representing the Dream of Freedom

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Altaï Emergence is a video game acting as an over-layer, compatible with many existing video games.
The principle is to create, then grow and educate a virtual entity of Artificial Intelligence type. This AI presents itself as a chatbot and allows the player to conduct a relational experience that extends even within the video games he practices.
Thus, Metabot's objective is as much to provide the player with a playful experience of interaction with an AI, as to multiply these interactions in order to enrich a data base specific to human transactions with machines.

uRehaBot a chatbot representing uRehab

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent uRehaBot uRehab helps you to easily GIVE, SEARCH and COLLECT OBJECTS FOR FREE near home !

It allows you to give objects you don't use anymore to others who need it, instead of throwing them to trash.

You will be able to :
- Give objects easily.
- Search for objects next to you.
- Simply start discussions directly with people on Messenger
- Manage your discussions and objects you have given.

Opla a chatbot / virtual assistant representing CWB

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Opla Opla is the virtual assistant of entrepreneurs. It is an intelligent chatbot that helps entrepreneurs with no computer skills being successful. Entrepreneurs have a natural conversation with Opla on their favorite messenger platform, and Opla will create their websites, help creating contents texts and images, give them informations on markets and competitors, give them advices and provide trends.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Neomy Neomy tells you when are the best moments to send money abroad, thanks to smart exchange rate notifications
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Tim Tim is a Virtual Agent answering Airbus Helicopters's clients FAQ. He guides them through the Customer Extranet portal. He is an expert of the Technical Documentations proposed on the site and is dedicated to make the customer experience easier.

Tim includes the following features:

- 3D Anamited Avatar
- UK English TTS
- HTML5 compatible interface
- All of Living Actor Assistant's features including full online administration and analytics, multi-contributors, white board for enriched answers...

IJCSTA a chatbot representing International Journal of Computer Science: Theory and Application

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent IJCSTA International Journal of Computer Science: Theory and Application (IJCSTA) is a bi-monthly, open access and peer-reviewed International Journal for academic researchers, industrial professionals, educators, developers and technical managers in the computer science field. The International Journal of Computer Science: Theory and Application invites original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews, and high quality technical notes, on both applied and theoretical aspects of computer science. The submitted papers must be unpublished and not under review in any other journal or conference.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Tina Tina answers most frequently asked questions in 3 languages–English, Spanish, and French on Online-Trainers’ Website.

Tina reduces email and call volumes from clients and Web visitors.

Virtual Assistant Food Industry a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Groupe Bel

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtual Assistant Food
Industry The Virtual Assistant of Bel helps users find information and solve all kind of questions using their own words, in Natural Language.

The Bel Group produces and markets cheese cooked or half cooked servings: Laughing Cow, Kiri, Mini Babybel, Boursin, Cheez-etc. The Bel Group has a website dedicated to consumers (games, recipes, good discounts, surveys); on this site Inbenta acts to improve customer satisfaction and customer knowledge and a lever of lead generation via traffic acquisition and improving conversion rates.

Greta a chatbot / conversational agent representing TELECOM ParisTech

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Greta Greta is a real-time three dimensional embodied conversational agent with a 3D model of a woman compliant with MPEG-4 animation standard. She is able to communicate using a rich palette of verbal and nonverbal behaviours. Greta can talk and simultaneously show facial expressions, gestures, gaze, and head movements.

Greta currently speaks various languages: English, Italian, French, German, Swedish and Polish.
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