Sensitive Artificial Listener and emotions
The aim of the paper is to document and share an induction technique (The Sensitive Artificial Listener) that generates data that can be both tractable and reasonably naturalistic. The technique focuses on conversation between a human and an agent that either is orappears to be a machine. It is designed to capture a broad spectrum of emotional states, expressed in ‘emotionally coloured discourse’ of the type likely to be displayed in everyday conversation. The technique is based on the observation that it is possible for two people to have a conversation in which one pays little or no attention to the meaning of what the other says, and chooses responses on the basis of superficial cues. In SAL, system responses take the form of a repertoire of stock phrases keyed to the emotional colouring of what the user says. The technique has been used to collect data of sufficient quantity and quality to train machine recognition systems.
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