Personalized Avatar
Avatar paper
published in 2008
by Anik St-Onge, David Crete, Aurelie Merle, Nicolas Arsenault and Jacques Nantel

The literature has demonstrated that sorting through the mass of information available on the Internet is time consuming and sometimes imparts misinformation. In this context, the tendency to customize the content of Web pages by interactive tools will soon become a standard in the development of retailer websites. A new form of customization of the information is emerging in the apparel industry: an
avatar (i.e. virtual model) that reflects the consumer’s body. The goal of this research is to determine the influence of a personalized avatar on perceived website quality, attitude and stickiness. Our findings show that it has a significant influence on stickiness and on perceived quality. Moreover, in some cases the degree of this influence depends on the level of assortment proposed.