Multimodal Embodied Agents
Among the goals of research on autonomous agents one important aim is to build Believable Interactive Embodied Agents that are apt to be applied to friendly interfaces in e-commerce, tourist and service query systems, entertainment (e.g. synthetic actors) and education (pedagogical agents, agents for help and instruction to the hearing impaired). A believable agent is one able to show (even, may be, to feel?) emotions and one who has a definite personality. An interactive agent can take into account the particular User and the particular Context where the interaction takes place, and is able to make up its own model of the User and the Context, and interact with it by following the rules of face-to-face interaction, like turn-taking, back-channel and so forth.
An embodied agent must be able to interact with the user not only through written text, but in all the modalities a human agent may use: through words, voice, gesture, gaze, facial expression, body movements,
body posture (sometimes, maybe, even through touch?). But it also must be able to conceive, represent and convey all the possible meanings that natural language and multimodal interaction may convey in Humans.
This paper allows us to clear up the steps to move in this field of research.