New salaried PhD postition is available in Lab-STICC at European Center for Virtual Reality, a very well-known lab, specialized in autonomous behavior modeling and human/system interaction.
The aim of this PhD Thesis consists in developing a cognitive architecture able to reproduce the dynamics of the coupling between two humans during a bodily interaction. Various phenomena such as synchrony, imitation and subtle behavioral variations that emerge in human interactions are taken into account. The final goal is the real-time animation of a virtual character during the interaction with a user. The subject of the thesis is: Cognitive Architecture for a bodily coupling between human and virtual creature.
The supervisor of this PhD thesis is Pierre De Loor, and co-supervisors are Elisabetta Bevacqua and Cédric Buche.
The work of this thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part aims to define and implement a well-suited architecture. The second part consists in evaluating the credibility of the autonomous virtual character and the first person experience of users while interacting with it.
For more information about recent research activities go to CERV laboratory current projects.
Monthly net salary: 1371 euro.
Beginning of work: September 2012.
Are you interested in this position? Send your CV, a statement of your research interests, and a list of at least two references (with email addresses) to: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
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