Santa Barbara Papers in Linguistics publishes articles in the traditional disciplines of linguistics and other fields of natural language studies. Read more

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Santa Barbara Papers in Linguistics publishes articles in the traditional disciplines of linguistics and other fields of natural language studies. Read more
Himalayan Linguistics is a peer-reviewed journal specializing in the languages of the Himalayan region. The term “Himalayan” is used in its broad sense to include north-western and north-eastern India, where languages of Indo- Aryan, Dravidian, Tibeto-Burman, and Austro-Asiatic linguistic stocks are spoken; the languages of Nepal, Bhutan and the Tibetan Plateau; the languages of northern Burma, Yunnan and Sichuan; and the languages of Nuristan, Baltistan and the Burushaski speaking area in the west. Read more
The International Journal of Research and Review (TIJRR) is an international refereed and abstracted journal that publish empirical reports in the various fields of arts, sciences, education, psychology, nursing, computer science, and business. Contributors from different institutions are welcome to submit their manuscripts for review and publication on-line that is relevant and significant in the various fields. Read more
Heritage Language Journal focuses on advancing the knowledge about educating heritage speakers, the journal seeks submissions from researchers and practitioners in linguistics & applied linguistics, psychology, sociology, language education, language policy, and other related and relevant fields. Read more
The Linguistics Journal is a refereed publication which aims at providing free access to all those involved in the research, teaching and learning of linguistics. This is a wide-ranging field examining how languages are structured, how meanings and ideas are formed and encoded, how they are communicated and represented, and how they are decoded and interpreted. It is a discipline which is increasingly reaching across into other disciplinary areas to mutual benefit, and is,... Read more
Wiley in Applications | by
Syntax publishes a wide range of articles on the syntax of natural languages and closely related fields. The journal promotes work on formal syntactic theory and theoretically-oriented descriptive work on particular languages and comparative grammar. Syntax also publishes research on the interfaces between syntax and related fields such as semantics, morphology, and phonology, as well as theoretical and experimental studies in sentence processing, language acquisition, and other areas of psycholinguistics that bear on syntactic theories. Read more
Studia Linguistica is committed to the publication of high quality, original papers and provides an international forum for the discussion of theoretical linguistic research, primarily within the fields of grammar, cognitive semantics and language typology. The principal aim is to open a channel of communication between researchers operating in traditionally diverse fields while continuing to focus on natural language data. Read more
Journal of East Asian Linguistics is a unique publication that focuses on linguistic issues as they pertain to East Asian languages. It bridges the gap between traditional description and current theoretical research and encourages research that allows these languages to play a significant role in shaping general linguistic theory. Read more
Russian Linguistics is an international forum for all scholars working in the field of Slavic linguistics (Russian and other Slavic languages) and its manifold diversity, ranging from phonetics and phonology to syntax and the linguistic analysis of texts (text grammar), including both diachronic and synchronic problems. Read more
The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics provides a platform for the discussion of theoretical linguistic research into the modern and older languages and dialects of the Germanic family. The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics features contributions that establish robust empirical generalizations within a formal theory of grammar that permit precise discussions. Its coverage offers cross-linguistic comparison within the Germanic family as well as elucidates issues in Germanic linguistics through the exemplary analysis of one Germanic... Read more