Journal of Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Application (JAITA) is a peer-reviewed high-quality journal that publishes articles which contribute new theoretical and application results in all areas of Artificial Intelligence. Read more

NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
Journal of Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Application (JAITA) is a peer-reviewed high-quality journal that publishes articles which contribute new theoretical and application results in all areas of Artificial Intelligence. Read more
Journal of Studies on Manufacturing (JSM) is a peer-reviewed high-quality journal that publishes articles which contribute new theoretical and application results in all areas of Manufacturing Systems. Read more
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International Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication Engineering (IJISTE) is a peer-reviewed high-quality journal that publishes articles which contribute new theoretical and application results in all areas of Information Systems and Telecommunication Engineering. Read more
Systems Research and Behavioral Science publishes original articles on new theories, experimental research, and applications relating to all levels of living and non-living systems. Its scope is comprehensive, dealing with systems approaches to: the redesign of organisational and societal structures; the management of administrative and business processes; problems of change management; the implementation of procedures to increase the quality of work and life; the resolution of clashes of norms and values; social cognitive processes; modelling;... Read more
The mission of the International Journal of Technology, Modeling and Management is to contribute to the solutions in the broad field of technology-based management decision problems. A special emphasis is on solutions, which use information technology and applied modeling to solve managerial decision problems in business, economics and social sciences that arise at micro, macro or global level. The Journal publishes significant, original, high-quality papers that make theoretical and/or methodological contribution to the application field... Read more
International Journal of Information Technology and Management Research is a refereed Bi-Annual journal intended to provide an integrated view of the entire field of MIS. It serves the needs of researchers as well as practitioners and executives managing the information resource. Read more
International Journal of Human Development and Information System is a peer reviewed, biannual International Journal of Human Development and Information System [IJHDIS] focuses on basic, applied and methodological issues in the broad realm of human development, knowledge and information system. The journal delves into real and potential choices and rights in relation to gender research, policies, planning and process of development. It covers reports of original research, theoretical framework and timely reviews. Read more
International Journal of Data Analysis and Information Systems is aimed at integrating all branches of business management, related natural and social sciences, such as data analysis, database management, decision sciences, information systems, operations research, management science, production /operations management, statistics, behavioral sciences, psychology, sociology, and political science. Read more
International Journal of Computer Science and Software Technology provides a forum to scientists, researchers, engineers and academicians to share their ideas and research in the field of computer engineering and software technology. The objective of the IJCSST is to serve a better understanding between the community of researchers and practitioners from academia and industry. Read more
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International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Healthcare Informatics seeks to provide evidential research on groundbreaking and emerging areas of computational intelligence techniques and tools, with particular focus on emerging trends and applications in health care informatics including genomics and proteomics. In endeavoring to fulfill the objectives of providing a scholarly and quality outlet for innovative topics, trends and research in the field of computational intelligence, the CIHCI will succeed in expanding the availability of the... Read more