Journal of Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Application (JAITA) is a peer-reviewed high-quality journal that publishes articles which contribute new theoretical and application results in all areas of Artificial Intelligence. Read more

NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
Journal of Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Application (JAITA) is a peer-reviewed high-quality journal that publishes articles which contribute new theoretical and application results in all areas of Artificial Intelligence. Read more
International Journal of Soft Computing and Bioinformatics (IJSCB) aims to bridge the gap between the two areas of Bioinformatics & Soft Computing. It is widely believed that Soft Computing will provide more powerful tools for analyzing, predicting and understanding data from gene expression, and other emerging genomic and proteomic technologies. IJSCB aims to provide a lively forum for the communication of original research. However, it is not intended to confine itself to the application of... Read more
International Journal of Information Technology and Knowledge Management is a refereed journal in the field of information technology (IT) and knowledge management (KM), providing an international forum for professionals, engineers, researchers and managerial decision makers. IJITKM reports the new paradigms in emerging fields of technology, management and envision the future developments in the frontier areas. The journal addresses issues for the vertical and horizontal applications in these areas. Read more
International Journal of Intelligent Information Processing is devoted to theories, methods, and applications of intelligent information processing and related research areas. Read more
International Journal of Data Warehousing aims to publish and disseminate knowledge on an international basis in the areas of data warehousing and data mining. It is published with the purpose of providing a forum for state-of-the-art developments and research, as well as current innovative activities in data warehousing and mining. In contrast to other journals, this journal focuses on the integration between the fields of data warehousing and data mining, with emphasize on the applicability... Read more
Serials Publications in | by
International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Healthcare Informatics seeks to provide evidential research on groundbreaking and emerging areas of computational intelligence techniques and tools, with particular focus on emerging trends and applications in health care informatics including genomics and proteomics. In endeavoring to fulfill the objectives of providing a scholarly and quality outlet for innovative topics, trends and research in the field of computational intelligence, the CIHCI will succeed in expanding the availability of the... Read more
The International Journal of Applied Computing (IJAC) is aim to publish all the latest and outstanding research articles, reviews and letters in all areas of applied computing. Each issue contains a series of timely, in-depth written articles by leaders in the field, covering a wide range of the integration of applied computing with computer and information science. Read more
The object of this journal is to publish original research and review articles concerned with the advanced cybernetics and intelligent systems. Read more
The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT) is a specialized, refereed, and indexed journal that is published six issues per year in English. IAJIT is the official journal of the Colleges of Computing and Information Society (CCIS), stemming from the Association of Arab Universities. IAJIT invites contributions from researchers, scientists, and practitioners from all over the world. The aims of this international journal are to provide a forum for original and significant contributions in the... Read more
International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology Press (IACSIT) in Applications | by
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (IJCTE) is an international academic journal which gains a foothold in Singapore, Asia and opens to the world. It aims to promote the integration of Computer Theory and Engineering. The focus is to publish papers on state-of-the-art Computer Theory and Engineering. Submitted papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the Journal and Association. The audience includes researchers, managers and operators for Computer Theory and engineering as well... Read more