International Journal of Hybrid Computational Intelligence is a peer-reviewed National journal that publishes the recent advancements in the field of information technology and computing science with fuzzy & neural network applications. Read more

NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
International Journal of Hybrid Computational Intelligence is a peer-reviewed National journal that publishes the recent advancements in the field of information technology and computing science with fuzzy & neural network applications. Read more
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Rough Systems aim to publish fine research in specialized areas embracing various aspects of fuzzy and rough systems and their applications. The journal will provide insightful interpretation of topical and coming trends affecting computer science, scientists and the wider public. The journal’s mission is to serve computer scientist through prompt publication of significant advances in any branch of computer science, and to provide a forum for the reporting and... Read more
International Journal of Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics is a peer reviewed international journal with a key objective to provide the academic and industrial community a medium for presenting original cutting edge research related to all aspects of engineering studies and its applications. Read more
International Journal of Decision Sciences provides an international forum for practitioners and researchers both for-profit and non-profit organizations, along with information technology professionals, software developers, and vendors, to exchange, share, and present useful and innovative ideas and work. IJDS emphasizes the presentation and distribution of ground-breaking and original theories and concepts, which can shape future directions of research. These, when applied, can enable policy makers, government officials, business managers, and different decision makers to spread... Read more
Serials Publications in | by
The International Journal of Computers, Information Technology and Engineering (IJCITAE) will solicit unpublished manuscripts from prospective authors for consideration for possible publication in areas embracing various aspects of computers, information technology and engineering and their applications. Read more
International Journal of Computing and Applications is devoted to publishing original research papers in the current areas of interest in theoretical computer science, advanced computing techniques, ANNGA, fuzzy logic and other computer applications. The periodicity of the journal is twice in a year. Read more
The goal of the International Journal of Computing and Information Technology (IJCIT) is to foster and communicate peer-reviewed original research results in the fields of Computer Science, Computing, Information Technology and related applications as well as surveys and case studies. Read more
International Journal of Computer Science and Communication focuses on research in all fields related to computer science and communication. Read more
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Engineering is dedicated to the dissemination of information on computer science, information engineering, and their applications. Read more
Serials Publications in | by
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology constitutes high quality forum for academician, engineers, industrialists, scientists and researchers engaged in teaching, research and development of Computer Science and Information Technology to spark ideas and share their views to solve the complex design challenges and trends they face. Read more