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Summary: SIMULATION is devoted to advancing the discipline and profession of modeling and simulation.
SIMULATION is the monthly refereed transactions of the leading society devoted to advancing the discipline and profession of modeling and simulation. An archival journal in both print and electronic form, it consists of distinct sections—one devoted to theory, the other to applications. Published articles must have a clear relevance to general modeling and simulation issues. In addition to its archival mission, the journal aims to help professionals and researchers, particularly those involved in multidisciplinary projects, apply advances in modeling and simulation theory, methodology and technology to their application areas.
The Methodology section welcomes original papers of lasting value dealing with contributions to the modeling and simulation field that are methodological in nature. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: model execution (e.g., parallel or distributed simulation); simulation interoperability; modeling techniques, languages, and development systems; analysis methodologies and techniques; verification, validation and accreditation; randomness in simulations, e.g., random number generation; techniques for real-time simulation, e.g., human-in-the-loop, hardware-in-the-loop, or on-line simulation. Purely mathematical, computational, or empirical results, however valuable, are considered more appropriate to the many journals specializing in these areas. General approaches, formalisms, algorithms, or techniques should preferably be illustrated with significant applications that demonstrate their applicability to real-world problems.