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Summary: International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism covers bilingual education and bilingualism.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism disseminates high-quality research, theoretical advances, international developments to foster international understanding, and to spread ideas about initiatives in bilingualism and bilingual education. The journal promotes theoretical and applied research into bilingual education and bilingualism, provides a truly international exchange, and encourages international debates and discussions on key issues in areas of controversy in bilingual education and bilingualism. It provides as well interdisciplinary perspectives for an international audience.
Bilingualism, multilingualism, bilingual education and the acquisition of languages have grown as topics of international importance. As international communications increase, technological changes facilitate international relationships, and traveling between countries and oceans becomes more common, the international importance of bilingualism and bilingual education continues to rise steeply. As the same time, there is increasing interest in revitalizing language minorities and the survival of indigenous and immigrant languages. The preservation of linguistic and cultural diversity in the world has become internationally prominent.