NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
I’ll give you guys a little BIO so you know a little more about me (don’t laugh [much])... My first computer was a 10k TI with a membrane keyboard that was so hard to press the keys on I had to lean on the computer to press a button (I was 5yo). I graduated in progression to Commodore Vic 20, Commodore 64, Commodore 128. TRS-80 Model 2, Model 3 and Model 4. 8088, AT, through all the Pentium Processors and XEON processors…. modern day including AS400, Nortel, DMS250 - DMS500. With programming I started with Basic, Tape Basic, GW-Basic, Pascal, Turbo Pascal, Assembly, C, C++ (Managed and not) Back in those days there was not any real database applications the standard was either sequential or random file access. Oh yeah and there was no thing called the internet, we used BBS on dialup; remember those 100baud modems (and rotary dial telephones). beyond X,Y and Z term we used one of HTML’s ancestors RIP-Term. SQL, PL-SQL, Rockwell SQL HTML, CSS, XHTML, DHTML, Java, Javascript, C#, VB, .Net My all time favorite games were ZORK and Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. And to this day I battle with the absurdity of a pixel defined as a coordinate of 2 integers instead of doubles (grr) OK. enough about how archaic and outdated my knowledge is… BACK TO THE FUN!! |