NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
INTERACT is the flagship conference of the International Federation for Information Processing Technical Committee on Human-Computer Interaction (IFIP TC.13). Previous INTERACTs starting in 1984, have been held in England (2), Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Australia and Scotland. For 2001, IFIP TC.13 selected Japan as the venue for its eighth INTERACT conference, where it is graciously hosted by the Information Processing Society of Japan and organised by the Human Interface Society.
In the new millennium, there is a seemingly never-ending range and choice of technology becoming available for use in all sectors of society. Human-Computer Interaction is a major key to the success with which these technological advances are adopted for the benefit of people, in developing countries as well as developed countries. Japan’s long-term interest in information technology and HCI and its closeness to many Asian countries with an emerging interest in HCI, including China, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, makes it a fitting choice for this truly international IFIP TC.13 INTERACT conference in 2001.