NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
The theme of the two-day event was “Living in A World Under Cyber Attack;” it featured over thirty speakers and was organized into sessions exploring various CyLab research thrusts ranging from Secure Next-Generation Networks, Trustworthy Computing and Mobility to Software Security, Usable Security and Privacy and the Security of Cyber-Physical Systems.
Each session included presentations by several CyLab researchers, followed by panel discussions engaging both the presenters and the attendees. In the course of these presentations and discussions, the broad spectrum of CyLab’s bold research program was explored; from the designing of a new Internet to understanding the psychology of social media, from the development of smartphone apps to deployment of smart grid sensors, from the challenges of embedded system security to implications of facial recognition software.
A valued benefit of CyLab’s corporate partners program, this annual event allows attendees to immerse themselves in numerous CyLab research projects, some of which have grabbed headlines during the past year; it also allows them to acquaint themselves with the faculty and students who are not only striving to build the future of cyber security, but may come to embody it as well.