NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
INTETAIN 2008, held in cooperation with ACM SIGCHI, aims to stimulate interaction among academic researchers and commercial developers of interactive entertainment systems. In addition to paper presentations, posters, and demos, the conference will foster discussions through workshops and special events.
INTETAIN 2008 focuses on the development of novel user-centered intelligent computational technologies and interactive applications for entertainment, being made possible through the use of a wide range of interactive device technologies (e.g., mobile and wearable devices, home entertainment centers, haptic devices, wall screen displays, information kiosks, holographic displays, fog screens, distributed smart sensors, and immersive displays) and media delivery infrastructures (e.g., multimedia networks, interactive radio, streaming technologies, DVB-T/M, ITV, P2P, satellite broadcasting, UMTS, Bluetooth, Broadband, and VoIP).