NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
The IAS-12 is sponsored by the Intelligent Autonomous Systems Society which consists of 10 steering committee members. The International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS), founded in 1985 earlier than the society has been set-up and registered in the Netherland in 1994. IAS has been dedicated so far to the theme of intelligence and autonomy, providing researchers, engineers and practitioners in this field with a forum for
exchanging their ideas, research results and practical experiences as well as for professional and social networking. This is the 12th in a series of the biennial conference that began in Amsterdam in 1986 and 1989, continuing to Pittsburgh (1993), Karlsruhe (1995), Sapporo (1998), Venice (2000), Marina del Rey (2002), Amsterdam (2004), Tokyo (2006), Baden-Bade (2008), Ottawa (2010) and now Jeju Island.
Under the conference theme of “Intelligence and Autonomy for the Service to Humans”, intelligence and autonomy are the two key enablers that drive machines, robots, and systems to advance to their ultimate potential. Now, we witness ever more the significant role that intelligent autonomous systems play for us with better healthcare, environment, transportation, energy, manufacturing, business, medicine, government, security, as well as personal and domestic conveniences in our daily lives, to name only a few.