I have to know the location of M to generate S. So the sentences need to point to the location of M in the first sentence.
I thought about this problem though. The solution I thought of was, there are sections in a sentence that can hold multiple words.
A section may be a noun and verb, then it is followed by a complement noun section, then a verb section, then a complement noun section.
What this would work like is I am operating with one word then I get to M and M is one word, then one word then P then I generate S.
But in this new scheme I would go to the first word, then the second word, then to M and there would be a M1 and M2 and I generate the word based on what M2 is, then I go to the third section and this has two words and the P section has two words.
Then the generated sentence, the minor premise would do the same thing, instead of going past the first word to S I would go through two words and so on.
This way I could plan how many words I want for my templates and maybe a hundred or so templates should hold most kinds of sentences.
But the problem is with so many templates how do I know which one is being used, and this means the templates need grammar and so the word list needs grammar and so the job balloons by ten fold to get the templates and word list to use grammar.
This is too much for me to do so I will leave it alone.
But thank you for your interest in my project. 
Edit, this is what I wrote for Arthur Arturovich over at a-i.com forum:
“Hi, I have updated the first post.
Syllogisms are easy to program, I will tell you how I did it.
The user inputs a sentence.
The syllogism has two parts in the main and minor premise.
So the first sentence, the one the user input has a M and a P part.
The minor premise has a S and M part. (I know the letters are odd, but I got this from Wikipedia).
You take the M part from the main premise and put it in the m part in the minor premise, and you use your program to deduce what S should be.
Then you write the syllogism conclusion using the S M P parts and your done. Easy as that.
Edit, I think you may wonder how I deduced what S should be?
The word has two parts and four forms. I used these two pieces to draft up what S should be.
The two parts of the word are the vowel and the letter.
Each word has these in one of four forms.
These forms are:
Letter vowel
Vowel letter
I used the vowel and letter and one of the four forms to deduce what the S should be. I think I used the vowel letter form, I’m not sure.
This means that the last letter in the word is the letter, not vowel, and somewhere in the word is the vowel.
Edit, no no, I used Both Vowel letter and letter vowel.
Meaning that if there was no letter in the last letter of the word, I went with the letter as the First letter of the word, and then the vowel was somewhere random in the word.”
The template looks like this:
This translates into this if you use words and vowels:
The way the template would work with grammar added would be:
“BAB(Noun and verb)\BA(complement noun)\AB(verb)\ABA(complement noun)”
Which would literally look like this: