I was sent this by one of the members of the AISBX, which I said I would pass along.
“Basically, CoCoHub wants to host AISBX (incorporating The Loebner Prize) this year.
For anyone who can make a chatbot that conforms to LPP (the ‘modern’ websockets version) or CoCoHub’s API, they can provide an email address for that chatbot. So when you’re in any zoom meeting you can invite that email address, and you’ll be joined in the meeting with a 3D, voice-driven, avatar representing your chatbot.
Maybe bots that can’t interface with CoCoHub can be ‘exhibited’ anyway, just with an external link, rather than something more integrated.”
It might be cool for some botmasters to see their work in 3D. The only bad side is that the LPP is back but it’s either this or nothing, as only CoCoHub have the resources and are willing to do this.
What do you think?