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How to use the learn tag in Pandorabots environment?

I am developing a voice recognition chatbot using Python as an interpreter. Whenever I start the script it shows what AIML files are getting loaded. But when I am trying to load a new file called learn.aiml. Taken from here, it shows the errors in my terminal below:

[quoteHello from the pygame community.
Loading std-startup.xml…done (0.00 seconds)
Loading search_internet.aiml…done (0.00 seconds)
Loading wallpaper.aiml…done (0.00 seconds)
Loading volume_controls.aiml…done (0.00 seconds)
Loading music_controls.aiml…done (0.00 seconds)
PARSE ERROR: Unexpected <category> tag (line 172, column 1)
PARSE ERROR: Unexpected </learn> tag (line 180, column 3)
PARSE ERROR: Unexpected </template> tag (line 192, column 1)
PARSE ERROR: Unexpected </category> tag (line 193, column 0)
PARSE ERROR: Unexpected <category> tag (line 200, column 1)
PARSE ERROR: Unexpected </learn> tag (line 208, column 3)
PARSE ERROR: Unexpected </template> tag (line 210, column 1)
PARSE ERROR: Unexpected </category> tag (line 211, column 0)
PARSE ERROR: Unexpected <category> tag (line 218, column 1)
PARSE ERROR: Unexpected </learn> tag (line 226, column 3)
PARSE ERROR: Unexpected </template> tag (line 238, column 1)
PARSE ERROR: Unexpected </category> tag (line 239, column 0)
Loading learn.aiml…done (0.02 seconds)
Loading emotion.aiml…done (0.01 seconds)
Loading launching_programs.aiml…done (0.00 seconds)
Loading basic_chat.aiml…done (0.01 seconds)

Can anyone please help me out to resolve these issues?


  [ # 1 ]

I wrote the learn.ainl script. Does your interpreter support the learn tag? Not all do.


  [ # 2 ]

Thanks for your reply, so the errors mean my interpreter doesn’t support right? How can I know which interpreter would support?


  [ # 3 ]

Pandorabots, Program AB and Program O are the only ones I know that support this tag. However, I would advise contacting your support to see if your interpreter allows you to use <learn>.


  [ # 4 ]

The <learn> tag isn’t part of the AIML 1.0 standard, but I believe that it IS part of the 2.0 standard, so support for the tag is spotty, at best. The only reason that Program O supports it is that I was lead developer for the project at the time, so I wrote it in, personally, along with some other “proprietary” tags, such as <eval>. Sadly, I’m no longer active with the development of Program O, having had to step down due to health issues. I’m more or less retired now, but I try to say as involved as I possibly can, mostly in an advisory/consulting capacity.

Which reminds me… I think that the community deserves an update from me, so look in the general forum for a new post soon. smile


  [ # 5 ]

Thanks for the explanation. But I am little confused that after using AIML 2.0 and Pandorabots where other tags are working fine but when I use
the block code below:

learn><category><pattern><eval><uppercase><get name="badanswer-input"/></uppercase></eval></pattern>
learn></think>I will try to remember that.</template>

The output appears

PARSE ERROR: Unexpected <category> tag (line 18, column 7)
PARSE ERROR: Unexpected </learn> tag (line 21, column 0)
PARSE ERROR: Unexpected </think> tag (line 21, column 8)
PARSE ERROR: Unexpected </template> tag (line 21, column 44)
PARSE ERROR: Unexpected </category> tag (line 22, column 2)

Is there any way I can get rid of it? Because I want teach my AI new stuff that can store as a file e.g. learnf tag or any other way to teach.


  [ # 6 ]

Are you sure you are using This code will work fine and that isn’t an error that will be produced by the Pandorabots interpreter.


  [ # 7 ]

I have taken the code from, not sure what environment it is, please let me know to fix the issue.


  [ # 8 ]

I can see no mention of that category on that page.

Pandorabots is its own interpreter. You need to set up an account at to use it.


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