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Status Update From the Prodigal Admin

Greetings, my fellow chatbot enthusiasts!

It’s been a long time since I was visiting the site on any sort of basis, let alone being active here, and a lot has changed since then, so I thought I’d update you on what’s been going on with me.

As many of you know (and many more probably don’t), I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last spring, and thus, things have become VERY complicated since then. I’ve lost around 100 lbs, have been hospitalized several times for cancer related problems, have been put on chemotherapy, and have been feeling generally crappy since May. That’s the BAD news. the GOOD news is that we caught the cancer in time, and if my current progress continues, I’ll have had 12 rounds of chemo, and should have the tumor on my pancreas removed by the end of February, or the beginning of March. It could well be that I’ll be cancer free by my next birthday, and this gives me both hope AND something to work for. I’m still not back to feeling “good”, by any stretch of the imagination, but I’m feeling well enough right now to want to try becoming more active here on I will not be rejoining the Program O project anytime soon, though I’m going to continue my advisory role with Liz and crew. I’ll try to keep you all posted on a more frequent basis than I have been (no promises, of course). If anyone has any questions regarding my condition, please feel to reach out here, or by email (link below my avatar) if you wish to make it a private query.


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Great to hear from you Dave and I’m sure I speak for everyone here in wishing you the very best of luck with your treatment.


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