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Thanksgiving 2012

Listen, I know that this post has nothing to do with AI, or chatbots, and that many of the inhabitants of this forum aren’t inmates… Er… citizens of the USA, but that’s ok. I’m doing this anyway. raspberry

I wanted to express to everyone my humble thanks and gratitude for all of the support, kind words, thoughts, prayers, get well soon cards, emails, pies, nuclear weapons, dancing girls and antique dressmaker’s dummies that I received from all of my online friends after my accident, back in July. I honestly believe that my recovery would not have gone so well, nor would have been so miraculously fast, were it not for you lot, and I thank you, one and all. In a great many ways, I owe you folks so very much.


  [ # 1 ]

Happy Thanksgiving to all the American members. Don’t go crazy on the Turkey!


  [ # 2 ]

yep happy thanksgiving..


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