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Problems with ChatScript-Tutorial

Hi Erel,
thank you very much for your Chatscript-Tutorial.
I have some problems with it,
perhaps we can solve it together.

Everything ok with downloading and installing chatscrpipt.
But after double-clicking chatscript.exe,
chatscript 1.27 tells me (always):
“Failed to find set ~SYSTEM_JOINER…”
but it is able to recieve my name
and to talk with my about his childhood.

After creating a (inside of the chatscript-folder) with
topic: ~introduction []
t: Hello, talk to me!
in it
and a files2.txt with
# underlying conversation system
RAWDATA/   # conversational control
in it, Harrys “welcome” after
:build 2
and loading with
“Failed to find set ~SYSTEM_JOINER…”
“I don´t know what to say.”
Everythig I say is answered by that.
Even when trying a
:build 0
Harry saiys: “I dont know what to say.”
:build 1 (with no errors any more)
its after a “Welcome to chatspript” and
“Have you been
“I don´t know what to say.”
:build 2 (again with no errors)
“I don´t know what to say.”
What can I do?
All the best


  [ # 1 ]

Currently (interim) the built in parser system uses data found in :build 0.  So until that is executed, the system will warn you that some parser functions wont work. It is not fatal.  Not inspected your other stuff yet.


  [ # 2 ]

sometime shortly after chatscript was released, I “cleaned up” the definition of ^pick (among others) and the control script went at variance with the engine.  $$topic = ^pick(@8)  should have been changed to $$topic = ^pick(@8subject)  for example.  I have modified the engine to accept the old notation and released a new version 1.28 now.

Why this bug has not been noticed before, I don’t know.


  [ # 3 ]

Hi Bruce,

thanks for you modifications. There is no more:

“Failed to find set ~SYSTEM_JOINER…”

and no other error.

So I could go on through the tutorial.
The next problem that occured was
when I replaced


topic: ~introduction []
t: [Hello] [Hi] [Hey], [talk] [speak] [say something] to me!
u: (what are you) ^noerase() ^repeat() I am a bot.
u: (where do you live) ^noerase() ^repeat() I live on your computer.
u: ([what where]) ^noerase() ^repeat() Good question.

by B

topic: ~introduction noerase repeat []
t: HI () [Hello] [Hi] [Hey], [talk] [speak] [say something] to me!
u: WHAT (what are you) I am a bot.
u: (tell me about yourself) ^reuse(WHAT) ^reuse(HI)
u: (where do you live) I live on your computer.

After that “Harry” has an empty welcome
and is always repeating:
“Sorry, what were we talking about?”

Some slight modifications in B,
for example ^noerase ^norepeat
just created errors.

I hope, my second question might be as fruitful as the first one.



  [ # 4 ]

The basic problem here is:

The bot Harry is default defined to use ~introductions as the starting topic.
You named yours ~introduction.  If you put an s on it, it works.



  [ # 5 ]

Thank you, Bruce,

it works fine!
But please have a look at the tutorial.

My B was a simple “copy and paste” from there
and it always uses ~introduction.

AND as I forgot to change ~introduction to ~introductions
while going on through the tutorial: it worked without “s”.

All the best

P.S.: Harry sometimes changes my travel-destination:)

Andreas: I want to go to Blaubach.
Harry: You want to go to Burbach.
Andreas: I want to go to Österreich. (german: Austria)
Harry: You want to go to zsterreich. (UTF8?)


  [ # 6 ]

I have changed the tutorial to use ~introductions in the future. Doubtless I changed the Harry default at some time without thought and now don’t want to disturb existing users, just the documentation.

Currently spelling correction is on by default as is fixing UTF8 stuff. And in this case, it changed your Osterrich because it didn’t like the utf character encoding.


  [ # 7 ]


thank you for helping me through the tutorial.
Now I can experiment a little with everything I learned
and will post my with the user-manual soon in another topic.

But let me show you a very nice dialogue with ChatScript,
which I had after expanding be at * to be [at in] *:

Andreas: I am in Leverkusen. # german town
ChatScript: Ok, you are in lederhosen. Where do you want to go? : )


  [ # 8 ]

lol, sounds like a spell checking routine gone awry. smile


  [ # 9 ]

Hi Dave,

perhaps one day
a “creative-misunderstanding-mode”
could be establihed: )




  [ # 10 ]

Meanwhile, if you added a concept set for a list of german cities, then it wouldn’t try to spell check that into something it could recognize.


  [ # 11 ]

Hi Bruce,

this brings me back to the UTF-8-encoding.
How can I coax ChatScript to like words like
Österreich or Saarbrücken (town) in a

Simple putting <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8”?>
(I fear this shows me to be a real dummy in these things)
is invoking an error.

All the best



  [ # 12 ]

the primary issue is getting the chatscript DATA read in as UTF8, which means convincing, for example, the windows runtime system that the file should be UTF8.  If you take your
Österreich and put it into a file in a concept or pattern, and then using something like NOTEPAD do a SAVE AS, and set the encoding type to UTF8, then windows will correctly store the characters and mark the file with a byte-order-mark (a label) that says this is UTF 8. When read into chatscript, it will be read in correctly, with no complaints or changes of characters.


  [ # 13 ]

Thank you:),

let me share my experience whe I tested this.

(I know UTF-8-topic and MULTILINGUAL-topic is concerned, too.
So I stay here with it and will leave messages there.)

1. I created a with two countries, Greece and Austria.

topic: ~introductions []
Hellothis is!

u: (Griechenland) ^noerase()[Lass uns das Land der Griechen mit der Seele suchen.] [In der Euro-Krise ist ihnen ja übel mitgespielt worden.]

: (Österreich) ^noerase()[Nett, die Alpen.] [Schi fahren?

Than I stored it in Wortdpad UTF-8.

2. I created a files2.txt looking like this:

# underlying conversation system
RAWDATA/   # conversational control 

And stored it in Wordpad UTF-8, too. (To prepare a hand-reflex for the future.)

Then, I started ChatScript.exe, 
did a :build 2
and everything started without errors or warnings.

But in our conversation, 
“Harry” told me everything about Greece,
(except a slight modification of “übel” in “ubel”)
but said “I don’t know what to say.” when I mentioned Österreich,
but showed my my output with points on my Östrerreich-Ö.

Not even the translation of Austria in DICT 0.txt and a.txt
and storing it UTF-8 (reflex working fine)
changed the results.

What can be done?



  [ # 14 ]

I am not able to give build 2 in client promt… Please guide me.. I am a newbie to chatscript.

Thanks in advance


  [ # 15 ]

And what message did you receive from CS?


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