I do a lot of programming in a Microsoft Office environment. Often, when I need to know of some obscure property or sequence of code, I perform an operation while ‘recording a macro’. I can then reverse engineer the macro code to fit it into my specific solution.
I was pondering recently, while listening to a family discussion, what it would be like if I could record each family members’s ‘thinking’ process as each engaged in the conversation…like recording a macro in an office product.
As I ponder what such a macro language might look like, I can offer that many of my international colleagues, where English is a second language, still use the VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) and its English construct in their own solutions.
This leads me to consider a common programming language (not written/spoken language) for describing AI thought processes. Choices for what we say are based upon what’s available in memory, our emotions at the time, our energy level, etc. So I imagine there are a lot of ‘data pulls’ for areas representing this part of our brain.
Anyhow, this is my thought for the day. =)