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Loop ran to limit

Hey Bruce,
I just noticed this entry in the log files and couldn’t find any explanation about the meaning in documentation or the forum.
Could you please explain what it means and if this some indication of an issue or a bug in my scrip:

Loop ran to limit 100010 

  [ # 1 ]

CS prevents infinite loops by failing a loop that reaches max limit for that loop (and notes it in log). Limit is controlled by cs variable $cs_looplimit


  [ # 2 ]

Do I have a way to know the location of the loop that caused this? (in case I have numerous loops in my script)?
I’ve noticed that the value next to the message varies a bit, what is the meaning of that? is that the limit or a line number?

Thanks again,


  [ # 3 ]

There’s no \r\n in the limit message in the source code, so the 10 the next thing that was logged.
Been meaning to fix it for a while, but never quite got there.


  [ # 4 ]

fine. added \r\n.  THe number was the limit.  And since this messages is a bug report, you get a stacktrace of where you are.


  [ # 5 ]

Thank you for the explanation.


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