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ChatScript Wiki
  [ # 31 ]

Hello All,

I am experiencing many false contributions currently. I have fake/bot accounts creating spam pages on the wiki that completely unrelated to the wiki. I have begun blocking the false accounts and deleting the posts but I need some help managing the wiki. If anyone would like to assist in any administrative way please concact me.


  [ # 32 ]

Are you requiring membership to edit/contribute? If so, what sort of anti-spam/anti-bot measures are you employing?


  [ # 33 ]

Currently I am not requiring membership to contribute and I do not know of any anti spam measures to implement although I am actively looking. If you have any suggestions please do tell.


  [ # 34 ]

It would require a bit of “hands on” work, but I happen to be the creator of a form of CAPTCHA that I feel is more “Human-friendly” than most, and so far has not been cracked. Take a look at and see if this might be something that you would be interested in using. If so, I’ll work up a version that can be integrated with the wiki with a minimum of hassle. smile


  [ # 35 ]

I am interested in the CAPTCHA Dave, would you please work on integrating it for the wiki?

Also would you like administrative control to the developer side of the wiki as well? I cant be the only one coding the wiki and contributing content smile


  [ # 36 ]

I won’t be able to add much to the actual content, as I haven’t been keeping up with ChatScript as much as I would have liked (I do, after all, have my own chatbot project to work on… cheese), but I’ll look into integrating my CAPTCHA with WikiMedia, and will keep you abreast of my progress.


  [ # 37 ]

Cool - as soon as you require membership to edit I’ll be helping out occasionally.  smile


  [ # 38 ]

After nuking over 5000 pages of spam I am now in the process of reconfiguring the wiki so that all editors must have verified accounts. You can begin editing as of now but create an account and mention on your user page how your not a bot


  [ # 39 ]

Can’t create account - see below error.  My ip is totally different that what is shown on that screenshot, so you may have to troubleshoot that as well.

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  [ # 40 ]

Ive undone the block, try it again please.


  [ # 41 ]

same song, second verse.


  [ # 42 ]

Ok try now. Hopefully we wont have a third verse smile


  [ # 43 ]

Different song:

wrong ip address still - this is very important if you want to control spam in any way - subscribing your wiki to a blacklist service for known spammers is a good first step, then knowing the source of any troubles is a requirement to fixing them.

Captcha not working.

Image Attachments

  [ # 44 ]

Indeed. The Captcha does not work on my Chrome browser either. Kindly please fix it ASAP. Eager to learn about ChatScript! Thanks.


  [ # 45 ]

Hi Folks - just been to look for the Wiki, some pages there but only available through random find it seems.

The CAPTCHA is still broken so can’t set up and account ...

Is this still on a todo list or has it stalled ?


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