Dear Forum
I’m working on my Uberbot and I’m looking at the pattern side processing during the loading of an AIML file. Am I right in assuming <bot name=“xyz”/ > is allowed in a pattern, and it refers to the bot property as specified in the startup XML files? Eg if a pattern uses <bot name=“friend”/ > this refers to the “friend” element from the XML file?
The other pattern side elements I allowed are <set>...</set> for user defined maps/sets and <set>number</set> to represent a number. Are there any other XML-style pattern side elements other than set and bot?
Finally a question about standards. I noticed the original AIML 1.0.1 spec said:
This document has been drafted for review by the Alicebot and AIML Architecture Committee of the A.L.I.C.E. AI Foundation, with the intention of providing a more thorough specification than that laid out in the “AIML 1.0 Tag Set”. It is being released by the Committee as a Working Draft to gather public feedback before its promotion to a Proposal, and eventually to final release as the AIML 1.0.1 Recommendation.
Is there intended to be similar feedback and debate on the v2 spec? Is there an AIML v2 reviewing committee? Or is AIML v2 just presented and to be accepted as-is?