Posted: May 29, 2014 |
[ # 76 ]

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No, 8pla, now that I notice the url, you have gone too far in taking the initiative of reserving a domain name. I can not stop you from using the name, for it is a name like any other, but I am offended. Do not take such actions on my behalf because you will find that I will not cooperate when control is taken away from me. I wish to keep my project low-profile for good reasons, and although I have sporadic uses for a web interface for e.g. contests or scheduled sessions, I have no intention of making Arckon a publicly available chatbot as you would like to see it. Arckon would learn naught but shite from being exposed to the general public.
You will remove the mirror of the initial movie I posted here from your own site, and you will cease your actions with relation to my project, or I shall vanish along with any signs of my project.
Posted: May 29, 2014 |
[ # 77 ]

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Dave Morton - May 29, 2014: Um… 8pla? Isn’t it just a BIT impolite to use someone else’s project name without prior approval? Or have you obtained said approval behind the scenes? 
Wow that inspired me, Dave!
Advanced Research Computer Knowledge Online Network
Although the acronym A.R.C.K.O.N. for the popular key words: Advanced, Research, Computer, Knowledge, Online, Network, may be good for increasing popularity. It seems Don may prefer to go with just a project name.
Posted: May 29, 2014 |
[ # 78 ]

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I have to agree 8man. That was a bit low to take someone else’s bot name and register a .com with it.
I enjoy looking at your experiments, as I find them very interesting but you have gone down in my estimation after pulling a stunt like that.
Posted: May 29, 2014 |
[ # 79 ]

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Don Patrick - May 29, 2014: No, 8pla, now that I notice the url, you have gone too far in taking the initiative of reserving a domain name. I can not stop you from using the name, for it is a name like any other, but I am offended. Do not take such actions on my behalf because you will find that I will not cooperate when control is taken away from me. I wish to keep my project low-profile for good reasons, and although I have sporadic uses for a web interface for e.g. contests or scheduled sessions, I have no intention of making Arckon a publicly available chatbot as you would like to see it. Arckon would learn naught but shite from being exposed to the general public.
You will remove the mirror of the initial movie I posted here from your own site, and you will cease your actions with relation to my project, or I shall vanish along with any signs of my project.
Reserving a domain name which is a name like any other is no grounds for offense, nor have any other other actions been taken on your behalf. Making a project that is under your control, a publicly available chatbot, was never the intention. We could have just worked on a new chatbot in ALPHA together.
The only purpose of that “mirror of the initial movie” was to help you… Help, which you accepted and used to improve your own site. All the “mirror of the initial movie” content was already removed previous to your request today. Had you bothered to look beyond search engine cache, you would have noticed that. You have no reason to use such language as “naught but shite” with me. I deserve your respect, and I request an apology.
Posted: May 29, 2014 |
[ # 80 ]

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Steve Worswick - May 29, 2014: I have to agree 8man. That was a bit low to take someone else’s bot name and register a .com with it.
I enjoy looking at your experiments, as I find them very interesting but you have gone down in my estimation after pulling a stunt like that.
Don expressed an interest in an interface which I designed as proof that a C++ chatbot can run on the web. I setup this demonstration in the hopes of working with Don. In plain language, to work together on web based artificial intelligence in any meaningful way, we need to be able to remotely log onto the same computer server on the Internet with a domain name to check the results.
Since, Don lives several thousand miles away. My solution was to allow him to login remotely to compile C++ code, and then check the results on the domain name through a web browser. I really don’t think a domain name, which noone bothered with before today is really an issue. What would you have suggested differently?
Posted: May 29, 2014 |
[ # 81 ]

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∞Pla•Net - May 29, 2014: What would you have suggested differently?
Asking the guy before registering a domain with his bot’s name. It’s common courtesy.
Posted: May 30, 2014 |
[ # 82 ]

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∞Pla•Net - May 29, 2014: Reserving a domain name which is a name like any other is no grounds for offense, nor have any other other actions been taken on your behalf. Making a project that is under your control, a publicly available chatbot, was never the intention. We could have just worked on a new chatbot in ALPHA together.
Let me start off by saying that “shite” is my culminated opinion of the majority of user input I’ve read from chatbot transcripts, and is less personal towards you than it comes across.
I’m going to assume that you meant well at heart. I did respect your technical genious and appreciated your helpful demeanour towards everyone, until you took this presumptuous action. For had you asked me first, I would have told you that acronyms, domain names and online development are all against my wishes. My project is about serious development of an intelligent being in a secure and controlled environment. The internet is not such a place. You may notice that my own webpage is shielded from the Google search engine and that therefore yours and this forum are the only search results. I’m sorry but I will not be making use of your assistance in foreseeable time.
As such, arckon.com will not represent my project of the same name in the same field and can easily be mistaken for it, so I would like you to drop the domain name. If you intend to keep it online, I shall have to enter Arckon in the Loebner Prize under a different name to avoid confusion, and I will most likely stop sharing news of my developments in this topic.
Posted: May 30, 2014 |
[ # 83 ]

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Don, I think that it’s unfortunate that 8pla’s enthusiasm for your project seems to have gotten the better of his judgment, causing the current situation. 
Tom, I think it would be wholly appropriate for you to issue an apology, and try to make amends. At the very least, I suggest that you replace the current page at arckon.com with some sort of “park page”, and let it die a quiet, anonymous death. In the future I strongly recommend that you consult with others before making any more attempts at “helping” people with their work. I don’t want to discourage such enthusiasm, really. I just want you to use a bit of common courtesy with it, and communicate your intentions before you act. I don’t think that’s an unreasonable request, do you?
Posted: May 30, 2014 |
[ # 84 ]

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All stated for the sake of polite, reasonable discussion only:
Thanks for taking the time to make a recommendation. Let’s apply it by consulting what Don said just yesterday in response to the details previously posted, “It’s good of you to continue the discussion of c++-to-web interface here as it is one of my project’s obstacles” where he himself eliminates any relationship to his project.
Should the company in Sao Paulo, which registered domain name arckon.net in 2011 issue an apology? Should an apology be issued before registering any of other available domain names such as: arckon.info, arckon.co, arckon.org, arckon.biz, arckon.us, arckon.mx, arckon.com.mx, arckon.mobi, or even free domain name: arckon.tk from the Dot TK Domain Registry, located in the Netherlands?
Posted: May 30, 2014 |
[ # 85 ]

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I’m sorry but I have to side with Tom on this one. If Don didn’t want anyone else registering a domain name that he might have wanted to use in the future then he should have registered it himself, and then not told anyone about it. That’s common sense. If you want common courtesy, stay off the internet.
However I also want to say that this particular forum stands out as an island of courtesy compared to the rest of the internet which is more like a sea of spite, thanks in large part to the superb efforts of our moderators and also the quality of our contributors.
Furthermore, both Don and Tom are among our most enthusiastic and prolific contributors and I would be extremely disappointed if anything happened to dampen that spirit.
Posted: May 31, 2014 |
[ # 86 ]

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Gentlemen, I refer you to trademark law. If a gothic rock band had created the arckon.com domain, I would have no quarrel with it because the public could not mistake it for my project. Had an AI company taken it in ignorance of my project, I would have no quarrel because they couldn’t have known. Tom however knew and has deliberately copied his project name from mine, being of confusable enough nature to the general public. I have no intention of buying up the entire internet for my non-commercial research. Staying off the internet however, is an easy enough option.
Although I have not amassed enough fame to invoke trademark law and will take no legal action, I have explained the reasons and consequences of your actions Tom. You have breached social rules of which you are apparently unaware, but you should at least be able to understand cause and effect: In continuing to refuse to respect my reasonable wishes, the respect I had for you is rapidly deminishing and you have achieved the opposite of what you hoped: I will not work with you.
I will also not drag this discussion on. This has been your second warning, the third will be my last.
Posted: Jun 1, 2014 |
[ # 87 ]

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Quoted from Google, “About 9,910 results (0.27 seconds) ” for the name “arckon”.
0.27 seconds lost on nonsense can never be regained.
Gothic rock artist site? Oh, why not?
Animation tested on Android tablet in Chrome, and on PC in Firefox. Anybody on Windows?
Music Title: Gothic Dutch Trance Artist: by knarmahfox Site: Freesound.org
Programmed in pure PHP with the GD library of image functions, AJAX and HTML 5.
Posted: Jun 2, 2014 |
[ # 88 ]

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Most amusing, I’m sure.
I find your solution acceptable. My trust has however not been restored. I will stay on the forum for the intelligent discussions it offers, but I will stop updating this topic so as not to spur further… enthusiasm. I’m sure it is no particular great loss.
For those who remain curious about my progress, Arckon will likely make a (underwhelming) appearance in the Loebner Prize selection round.
Don Patrick. —-
Posted: Jun 2, 2014 |
[ # 89 ]

Total posts: 3111
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I shall surely miss reading about your progress here, but I certainly understand the reasoning. Best regards and luck in the LC. I have faith that you’ll be exactly “whelming”. 
Posted: Jun 3, 2014 |
[ # 90 ]

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In Greek the word ἄρχων, spelled arckon in English, is thousands of years old. Spelling variants include arkhon and archon.
“Hence the son of Codrus received the title Arckon, which meant ruler.”
quoted from the book, Outlines of General History, written in 1909. By V A Renouf
“As early as 582 B.C. an arckon named Damasias illegally prolonged his office over a second year, and had to be deposed by armed force.” quoted from the book, A History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Death of Alexander the Great, written in 1901. By Sir Charles William Chadwick Oman
“PATRIARCHS (from the Greek patria, family, and arckon, head, or ruler), heads of families;” quoted from the book, The Christian Cyclopedia, Or Repertory of Biblical and Theological Literature, written in 1861. By Rev. James GARDNER (M.A.)